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Has anyone heard anything about bentley working on a linux compatible version of microstation?

  • No truth at all to that. We have been there, done that -- our current offerings are certified for use and supported on Windows.


  • I didnt hear a rumor or anything I was just hoping that there were plans. I'm currently thinking of dumping windows all together at home. Im sick of it and prefer linux. Just hoping that there were plans to do so in the future.

    Joe Cagle
    Senior Cadd Tech
    URS Corporation
    One Indiana Square, Suite 2100
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Direct : 317-532-5432
    Cell: 317-435-5371
    Fax: 317-532-5499

  • Debate about the relative merits of any particular operating system aside (those invariably are never-ending, never-productive, and always subjective), you can use a Linux system as a FILE server as long as Windows recognizes it as such. But as mentioned previously, MicroStation is a Windows application and is certified for use and supported on the Windows operating systems that are identified in its product ReadMe.


  • You could try using Wine or a VM to run Microstation.

     Both aren't fantastic solutions but they may be the only ones you have.


    Or Microstation could be open sourced.. (/me ducks)

  • Hi Russ,

    Until MicroStation v8 (2004) you can use Wine. From XM I´ve got the experience that Wine doesn´t work.

    It´s a pity, I think Open Source operation systems like Ubuntu or Fedora are the future. For normal home use I don´t see why you should buy an expensive Windows operating system if there also are free, user friendly, alternatives.