How to load an OD File

 Product(s):Exor Street Gazetteer Manager
 Area:Organisations and Districts


Sometimes organisations update their OD information so we need to load their OD files to reflect the changes within Highways or a new organisation wishes to communicate with you

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Establish if the organisation has been uploaded previously.
  2. To do this go to Street Gazetteer Manager>Data>Organisations and Districts (NSG0110)
  3. Query the form entering the Organisation Code in the Ref box.
  4. If a record is returned go to Step 2 otherwise follow the instructions in Step 1 first.

STEP 1 – New Organisation

Add a new record in NSG0110 by entering the Organisation Ref, Organisation Name and Prefix and then Save.

STEP 2 – Updating an Organisation

  1. Make a note of where the OD xml file has been saved.
  2. Go to Street Gazetteer Manager > Import >NSG Loader Batches. (module NSG0040).
  3. Create a batch by clicking the Green + which will add a new line.
  4. Enter a Name and Save. A batch number will be assigned.
  5. Click ‘File Selection’ which will bring up the File Selection form.
  6. Click ‘Copy file to Directory’ and a new window will open.
  7. Browse to the file you wish to load and click ‘Copy’. The file will be copied into the NSG_DATA folder. Close the window.
  8. Click the .xml checkbox and select the file you want to load. Note you can add other files at the same time if you wish.
  9. When you have selected the file(s) you wish to load click ‘Add Selected File(s) to Batch’.
  10. This will pre validate the file and take you back to the NSG Loader Batch form.
  11. Click ‘Submit Now’

Once the file(s) have loaded there will be a date/time in the ‘Load Ended’ field. (you will need to requery the form)

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

 Original Author:Jodie Preston