Nice meaty presentation on how to use PCS.

  • Actually, reading through the presentation... I hope that the ABD team is speaking to the PCM team so that all those PCS niggles are avoided in ABD Connect.

    Niggles that should be fixed:

    Variables Management.

    1. "You can not rename a variable" To “rename” - have to create a new variable then find all the other “misspelled” occurrences in the model and change them before you can delete the misspelled variable – there is no search function. p11.  

    This seems like a shocking rookie UI programming mistake. Buried in so deep in PCS that it couldn't be fixed?

    2. "Every time you use the variable it should be preceded with a “\”"

    Why? Should be avoided.  No mature concept or programming framework for handling variables built in?

    3. "Variable names are case-sensitive"

    Why? I can see this being a big stumbling block for the end-user programmer (especially those sloppy dyslexic architects :-)

    4. "Can only be deleted if they are not being used in constraints"

    Again, sounds like the PCS programmers did not have a robust UI framework in for managing variables at the outset.

    5. "[variable] Visibility can be changed after the fact, however? not that simple" p12

    Again, no robust UI framework/muscle.

    Element Placement

    1. Snap sets: Hmmm hopefully gone with PCM.

    "Limits snapping and dimension inferences to just those objects in the Snap Set. No tentative snap, no left-right chord. Can only snap to
    elements in the Snap Set" p24

    "Limits snapping and dimension inferences to just those objects in the Snap Set. No tentative snap, no left-right chord. Can only snap to
    elements in the Snap Set"

    Defining Snap Sets is an intermediate un-Mstn-like step that should be avoided if possible.

    "The current snap set may be overridden (temporarily disabled) during Positioning operations by holding down the <Ctrl> key" p24

    "Use the <Ctrl> key to add/toggle existing elements in/out of the snap"

    Confusing behaviour for Ctrl.

    2. "Difficult to “undo” constraints" p21. Again, hopefully gone with PCM.

    3. "All placements end with an <Enter> key to complete the command" "Cancel a command with <Esc> key"

    Why?  What is the benefit? If required please show prompt. Should be more Mstn-like.

    Element Placement - Positioners

    4. Points, Line and Direction Positioners - really powerful. Hope that this will be carried over and enhanced in PCM.

    − D – Distance dimension mode
    − F – Flipping, invert the positioneer
    − R – Rotates, around primary axis
    − V – Vertical dimension mode
    − H – Horizontal dimension mode
    − T – Tangent dimension mode
    − P – Perpendicular dimension mode

    "Decent description of positioners in reference guide but won’t make much sense until you’ve worked with elements a bit" p22

    PCM should have more glyphs as prompts? hover/Right click over glyph provides flip, rotate etc options?

    Element Placement – Path2d

    "Should be created in counter-clockwise directions
    − Bulge and radius sub-commands work better this way
    − Easier for you/someone to understand later when using a consistent
    workflow" p25

    How would the user know this? Prompt?

    "Final edge should slightly cross the first edge to close the shape − <Enter> to complete the placement"

    PCS can be very slow in recognising the last edge. Better to have a popup when the cursor hovers over the first vertex.

    "Sub-commands− F – fillet, B – bulge, R – radius, T – tangent, N – normal, E – elevate,<Tab>, up/down/left/right arrows."

    Hopefully to be subsumed with Mstn Smartline / snaps with PCM.

    "Dynamic display of distance and angle increments controlled by snap preferences"


    Element Placement – Placement Point

    _TF_Point3_Order p32 ... Not sure if its extremely clear how this will be used. And which variables will be linked to which point. Hope that PCM will make this clearer.

    Element Placement – Variable Edit Handle

    Again. Powerful stuff. But, not exactly clear how the variable edit handles will be generated.. without looking up the Reference Guide.

    Define Component – General

    "Created with a Profile Positioner(there should only be one) p35
    − Defines the primary vertex (origin of the cell)
    − Defines the primary edge (path – this was not as critical for the cells Icreated)"

    "The base path (Path2d) becomes the primary profile positioner so start with an appropriate base for your cell"

    Is this really clear? Prompt?

    "Should make sure component is fully constrained (all vertices are red dots) prior to creating"

    Is this really clear? Prompt? Shouldn't the fully constrained dots be green?

    Define Component – Auto Component

    Postioneer origin, base path and offset paths, primary vertex (p40) could do with some labeling on screen. GC has the same lack of functionality here. There should be a way to differential which path (component) is constrained to which path (host).

    Define Component – Sweep

    p41. Origin and Directional component, end point and parallel glyphs are all centred on the origin. Slightly confusing. Hopefully, this kind of thing would be easier with the new Connect tools.

    Placing a sweep component

    "The “origin” is the blue dot. Clicking the dot (turns to green) allows you to move the entire component." p42

    Is this clear? Prompts?

    "Component changes orientation depending on which edge/line of the path you are on"

    Is this clear? Prompts? I think that once the component is placed, depending on whether the user clicks on an edge or vertex of the positioneer, PCS will try to infer the best orientation and constraints. I think that this is well intentioned but shouldn't the be the only means of what is essentially defining persistent snaps. Waiting for PCS to guess and the user to then correct is cumbersome compared to allowing the user 'positive control' by allowing him to define the constraints manually.

    "Sub-commands include
    − C – Close (places sweep component along entire path)
    − F – Flip (reverses direction of the sweep)
    − R – Rotate (rotates the component about the path in 90 degree increments"

    Is this clear? Prompts?


    "Part/family attribute time saver...User Tip - Can keep a notepad file on your desktop with these attribute names (spelled correctly, of course, no blanks before or after) and your parts/families so you can simply cut and paste." p49

    Totally asking for and building in mistakes into the BIM model. Surely, there should be a drop down here like the new DataGroup Filter tools have.

    Placement Hints/Visual Queues

    • Red circle: displacement constraint
    • Black Square box: Perpendicular constraint
    • Green Double lines: Parallel constraint
    • Red square dot Path vertex, constrained
    • Black dims: Dimensional constraints
    • Blue square dot: Path vertex, unconstrained
    • Blue line: Unconstrained edge
    • Red dashed lines: snap set

    ...needs tooltip support desperately.


    "A single left-click selects a component (select-mode). A second left-click exposes the constraints (constraint-mode)" p53

    Hmmm..Won't Brien be..?  Right click? I think that this is confusing. Users will tend to think that when the constraints pop up, they will be fully editable.

    Constraints – Vertices/Edges

    "Vertex/edge constraints can only be applied in constraint mode (two left-clicks on an element)" See above.

    "Right-click on a vertex or edge to constrain" Provide 'positive control' constraints tool as well.

    "Vertex/edge changes to green so you know what you’re working to constrain. Click in white space if you didn’t select the correct vertex/edge


    DataGroup Setup

    This should be part of the Compound/Functional Cell making dialog.

    "Dimension/length format seemed to be a bit inconsistent
    − 1’ 1 1/2” in PCS
    − 0:2 and 0:0 3/8 in xsd and xml dialogs" p61.

    See page 64 onwards for the mess that the user will need to deal with. I have to say, making components in ArchiCAD or Revit does not require anything near the aggravation PCS imposes.

    Place User Content

    "Floormaster and BaseOffset (in placement dialog) can be usedtogether. However, BaseOffset is not currently exported forscheduling in DataGroup Explorer – value is not exported to
    • Ended up incorporating our own “baseoffset” via parametric variable “top of footing” so we could annotate our plans
    • BaseOffset is not correctly initialized in Ss3 and will populate with bad values – big positive to big negative – from time to time (structural only?). Check to make sure it is what you want. TR filed." p74

    Edit User Content

    "• Select element, right-click and choose Modify Selected Component or Modify Instance Data
    • Unknown Command error if you haven’t placed an element yet
    − TR filed" p76

    "Everything with a check will be modified to displayed value. The fields populate with existing data – can be a problem if changing multiple cells at a time" 

    Please fix.

    DataGroup Annotations – Annotation Cell

    More amazing tedium p88 onwards

  • Actually, reading through the presentation... I hope that the ABD team is speaking to the PCM team so that all those PCS niggles are avoided in ABD Connect.

    Niggles that should be fixed:

    Variables Management.

    1. "You can not rename a variable" To “rename” - have to create a new variable then find all the other “misspelled” occurrences in the model and change them before you can delete the misspelled variable – there is no search function. p11.  

    This seems like a shocking rookie UI programming mistake. Buried in so deep in PCS that it couldn't be fixed?

    2. "Every time you use the variable it should be preceded with a “\”"

    Why? Should be avoided.  No mature concept or programming framework for handling variables built in?

    3. "Variable names are case-sensitive"

    Why? I can see this being a big stumbling block for the end-user programmer (especially those sloppy dyslexic architects :-)

    4. "Can only be deleted if they are not being used in constraints"

    Again, sounds like the PCS programmers did not have a robust UI framework in for managing variables at the outset.

    5. "[variable] Visibility can be changed after the fact, however? not that simple" p12

    Again, no robust UI framework/muscle.

    Element Placement

    1. Snap sets: Hmmm hopefully gone with PCM.

    "Limits snapping and dimension inferences to just those objects in the Snap Set. No tentative snap, no left-right chord. Can only snap to
    elements in the Snap Set" p24

    "Limits snapping and dimension inferences to just those objects in the Snap Set. No tentative snap, no left-right chord. Can only snap to
    elements in the Snap Set"

    Defining Snap Sets is an intermediate un-Mstn-like step that should be avoided if possible.

    "The current snap set may be overridden (temporarily disabled) during Positioning operations by holding down the <Ctrl> key" p24

    "Use the <Ctrl> key to add/toggle existing elements in/out of the snap"

    Confusing behaviour for Ctrl.

    2. "Difficult to “undo” constraints" p21. Again, hopefully gone with PCM.

    3. "All placements end with an <Enter> key to complete the command" "Cancel a command with <Esc> key"

    Why?  What is the benefit? If required please show prompt. Should be more Mstn-like.

    Element Placement - Positioners

    4. Points, Line and Direction Positioners - really powerful. Hope that this will be carried over and enhanced in PCM.

    − D – Distance dimension mode
    − F – Flipping, invert the positioneer
    − R – Rotates, around primary axis
    − V – Vertical dimension mode
    − H – Horizontal dimension mode
    − T – Tangent dimension mode
    − P – Perpendicular dimension mode

    "Decent description of positioners in reference guide but won’t make much sense until you’ve worked with elements a bit" p22

    PCM should have more glyphs as prompts? hover/Right click over glyph provides flip, rotate etc options?

    Element Placement – Path2d

    "Should be created in counter-clockwise directions
    − Bulge and radius sub-commands work better this way
    − Easier for you/someone to understand later when using a consistent
    workflow" p25

    How would the user know this? Prompt?

    "Final edge should slightly cross the first edge to close the shape − <Enter> to complete the placement"

    PCS can be very slow in recognising the last edge. Better to have a popup when the cursor hovers over the first vertex.

    "Sub-commands− F – fillet, B – bulge, R – radius, T – tangent, N – normal, E – elevate,<Tab>, up/down/left/right arrows."

    Hopefully to be subsumed with Mstn Smartline / snaps with PCM.

    "Dynamic display of distance and angle increments controlled by snap preferences"


    Element Placement – Placement Point

    _TF_Point3_Order p32 ... Not sure if its extremely clear how this will be used. And which variables will be linked to which point. Hope that PCM will make this clearer.

    Element Placement – Variable Edit Handle

    Again. Powerful stuff. But, not exactly clear how the variable edit handles will be generated.. without looking up the Reference Guide.

    Define Component – General

    "Created with a Profile Positioner(there should only be one) p35
    − Defines the primary vertex (origin of the cell)
    − Defines the primary edge (path – this was not as critical for the cells Icreated)"

    "The base path (Path2d) becomes the primary profile positioner so start with an appropriate base for your cell"

    Is this really clear? Prompt?

    "Should make sure component is fully constrained (all vertices are red dots) prior to creating"

    Is this really clear? Prompt? Shouldn't the fully constrained dots be green?

    Define Component – Auto Component

    Postioneer origin, base path and offset paths, primary vertex (p40) could do with some labeling on screen. GC has the same lack of functionality here. There should be a way to differential which path (component) is constrained to which path (host).

    Define Component – Sweep

    p41. Origin and Directional component, end point and parallel glyphs are all centred on the origin. Slightly confusing. Hopefully, this kind of thing would be easier with the new Connect tools.

    Placing a sweep component

    "The “origin” is the blue dot. Clicking the dot (turns to green) allows you to move the entire component." p42

    Is this clear? Prompts?

    "Component changes orientation depending on which edge/line of the path you are on"

    Is this clear? Prompts? I think that once the component is placed, depending on whether the user clicks on an edge or vertex of the positioneer, PCS will try to infer the best orientation and constraints. I think that this is well intentioned but shouldn't the be the only means of what is essentially defining persistent snaps. Waiting for PCS to guess and the user to then correct is cumbersome compared to allowing the user 'positive control' by allowing him to define the constraints manually.

    "Sub-commands include
    − C – Close (places sweep component along entire path)
    − F – Flip (reverses direction of the sweep)
    − R – Rotate (rotates the component about the path in 90 degree increments"

    Is this clear? Prompts?


    "Part/family attribute time saver...User Tip - Can keep a notepad file on your desktop with these attribute names (spelled correctly, of course, no blanks before or after) and your parts/families so you can simply cut and paste." p49

    Totally asking for and building in mistakes into the BIM model. Surely, there should be a drop down here like the new DataGroup Filter tools have.

    Placement Hints/Visual Queues

    • Red circle: displacement constraint
    • Black Square box: Perpendicular constraint
    • Green Double lines: Parallel constraint
    • Red square dot Path vertex, constrained
    • Black dims: Dimensional constraints
    • Blue square dot: Path vertex, unconstrained
    • Blue line: Unconstrained edge
    • Red dashed lines: snap set

    ...needs tooltip support desperately.


    "A single left-click selects a component (select-mode). A second left-click exposes the constraints (constraint-mode)" p53

    Hmmm..Won't Brien be..?  Right click? I think that this is confusing. Users will tend to think that when the constraints pop up, they will be fully editable.

    Constraints – Vertices/Edges

    "Vertex/edge constraints can only be applied in constraint mode (two left-clicks on an element)" See above.

    "Right-click on a vertex or edge to constrain" Provide 'positive control' constraints tool as well.

    "Vertex/edge changes to green so you know what you’re working to constrain. Click in white space if you didn’t select the correct vertex/edge


    DataGroup Setup

    This should be part of the Compound/Functional Cell making dialog.

    "Dimension/length format seemed to be a bit inconsistent
    − 1’ 1 1/2” in PCS
    − 0:2 and 0:0 3/8 in xsd and xml dialogs" p61.

    See page 64 onwards for the mess that the user will need to deal with. I have to say, making components in ArchiCAD or Revit does not require anything near the aggravation PCS imposes.

    Place User Content

    "Floormaster and BaseOffset (in placement dialog) can be usedtogether. However, BaseOffset is not currently exported forscheduling in DataGroup Explorer – value is not exported to
    • Ended up incorporating our own “baseoffset” via parametric variable “top of footing” so we could annotate our plans
    • BaseOffset is not correctly initialized in Ss3 and will populate with bad values – big positive to big negative – from time to time (structural only?). Check to make sure it is what you want. TR filed." p74

    Edit User Content

    "• Select element, right-click and choose Modify Selected Component or Modify Instance Data
    • Unknown Command error if you haven’t placed an element yet
    − TR filed" p76

    "Everything with a check will be modified to displayed value. The fields populate with existing data – can be a problem if changing multiple cells at a time" 

    Please fix.

    DataGroup Annotations – Annotation Cell

    More amazing tedium p88 onwards
