Copy with base point to other pages

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:PowerPlatform Support
 Subarea:Manipulate Tools


This document describes how to copy or move a selection of items from one page to another in Promis.e and Bentley Substation.

An alternate title to this article could be "What happened to the Browse Copy function?"

The Browse Copy function in legacy versions of promis.e enabled users to copy a symbol or an entire circuit to a different page. Legacy promis.e relied on special menu functions and toolbar buttons to modify both the drawings and project database as users created and modified their projects. Browse Copy was one such function.

Starting with promis.e 2007 and continuing with Promis.e V8i and Bentley Substation V8i, the software does not rely as heavily on separate tools that emulate straight CAD functions, but instead intercepts the platform tools and performs additional tasks as necessary. The functionality of the old Browse Copy command can, therefore, be achieved by invoking plain platform tools and so the Browse Copy function was removed.

Copying and moving circuits within the same page are accomplished easily enough using the Copy and Move tools of the platform. Specifying a base point for the operation is part of the tool. However, these tools cannot be used to copy or move circuits to a different page. For that type of operation, the copy-to-clipboard and paste functions must be used.

Note: Some clipboard management programs can interfere with this process and may need to be closed.

Steps to Accomplish

For Substation and Promis.e Standalone / MicroStation / PowerDraft

The key to performing a "Copy with base point" type of operation between different drawings in MicroStation/PowerDraft and thus Bentley Substation and Promis.e Standalone is to use the Tentative mouse button to set what is called a Ninja Point where the base point is to be.

The Ninja Point is defined after the items to be copied are selected but before invoking the clipboard copy command. Later, when pasting the items, the items will be at the mouse cursor at the tentative point instead of at the center of the selection (the MicroStation default behavior).  Note: this will only work if the tentative point selected is on an element, not "out in space".

Determine which button is the Tentative "button" by selecting Workspace > Button Assignments > Remap Buttons.  By default, it is defined as "Left Button - Right Button Chord", which means pressing the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously.

Note:  In versions prior to promis.e V8i SELECTseries 5, when the "Left Button - Right Button Chord" action is performed, the reset menu (right-click menu) pops up and cancels the tentative point.  Consider upgrading to the latest version of Promis.e.  See the Remapping the Tentative button section for a workaround.

A "Copy with base point to a different page" operation can be performed with the following process:

  1. Open the page containing the items to be copied.

  2. Select the elements to be copied with the Element Selection tool.

  3. Use the Tentative "button" to click to select the location of the base point.  A crosshair symbol should appear at the selected point.  Check the coordinate values in the AccuDraw box to confirm that the desired point, typically on a grid point, was selected.

  4. Select Edit > Copy from the pull-down menu or press CTRL+C.  The crosshair at the tentative point should disappear.

  5. If moving instead of copying, press the DELETE key to delete the selected elements.  Alternatively, use Edit > Cut or CTRL+X in the previous step.

  6. Open the destination page. To get the full "Browse Copy" effect, use the Thumbnails tab in Project Manager to select and open the page.

  7. Select Edit > Paste or press CTRL+V.

  8. Click to select the destination point.

Paste Options dialog will appear.  Specify whether or not the original device IDs, wire link IDs, and wire numbers should be maintained in the copied circuit.

Remapping the Tentative button

Some users may not like or cannot use the default "Left Button - Right Button Chord" as the tentative "button".   In this case, remap the Tentative button to something else, such as a fourth mouse button or CTRL+SHIFT+middle button, or even a function key.

Example: Map Tentative to function key F12

  1. Select Workspace > Function Keys.

  2. Select F12 from the drop down list of function keys.

  3. In the Action field, enter buttonaction tentative

  4. Click OK.

Example: Map Tentative to SHIFT+mouse button 4

  1. Select Workspace > Button Assignments.

  2. Click Remap Buttons.  Note which mouse buttons in the "Invoked By" column correspond to the various internal button names such as "Data", "XButton 1", etc.  In this example, mouse button 4 corresponds to XButton 2.  These can be reassigned in this dialog if desired.  Click OK.

  3. Back on the main Button Assignments dialog, select the internal button name "XButton 2" from the drop down list.

  4. Place a check in the "Shift" box.

  5. In the Action field, enter buttonaction tentative

  6. Click OK.

For promis.e for AutoCAD

A "Copy with base point to a different page" operation can be performed with the following process:

  1. Open the page containing the items to be copied.

  2. Select the elements to be copied.

  3. Select Edit > Copy With Base Point from the pull-down menu or press CTRL+SHIFT+C.

  4. If moving instead of copying, press the DELETE key to delete the selected elements.

  5. Open the destination page. To get the full Browse Copy effect, use the Thumbnails tab in Project Manager to select and open the page.

  6. Select Edit > Paste or press CTRL+V.

  7. Click to select the destination point

Paste Options dialog will appear. Specify whether or not the original device IDs, wire link IDs, and wire numbers should be maintained in the copied circuit.

See Also

Paste Elements At Same Graphical Location

[[3599|Platform Fundamentals for Promis.e Standalone Users]]

 Original Author:Matt_P

Keywords: basepoint, insert, insertion point