Remove sheet border when converting to tDPR

When I convert my dgn files to tDPR and look at them via a wms client I get a black border for every fgn file. The border (I guess) is the extent of the dgb-file.

How can I remove that border?



  • Hi Mike,

    I haven’t seen this issue happening before with tDPR data. Normally such black border would only be there if it was a level in the source data.

    Could you please verify if the same happens using the GWP Examples site, publishing the same tDPR layer(s) in the GWP MapViewer or GWP OGC WMS Client.

  • I have looked in the .dgn file and I cant see any data that could be these borders.

    And it looks the same in the example site

    I have tried filtering on only level 1, or only level 2. And its still there.

    And the border is placed soonly the content of the filtered information gets within the border. Mening if I filter only a small amount of Levels, the border/extent gets smaller.

    So it really feels like this has to do with some setting in the conversion.
    And after looking at your files in

    Hi Im trying to create a wms layer from multiple .dgn files (V7 format) with the tDPR functionality. I have created a bat file that creates the tDPR the bat file looks like: C:\Bentley\GeoWebPublisher…
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    no sheet borders where there.

    But the problem with those conversion was that I have my dgn files in v7 format.

    Therefor to make it work with v7 files I removed the param  -model=Default from the GWPTDPRCommand.exe call

    and I also removed


    from the parameters file.

    And when I do this suddenly the sheet frames are there.

    Do you have any idea to either get V7 work with the -model=Default param, or for any other way make so that the sheet border dont get added?



  • Mike,

    Could you please try the following

    In the parameters file use a v8 seed instead, specifying this time <ModelName>Default</ModelName> as well

    But remove the -model argument in the tDPR add command

    Testing like this doesn't produce in my test those outline borders


  • Hi Carlos

    Im not sure whats happening now.

    When I try to run your example (from

    Hi Im trying to create a wms layer from multiple .dgn files (V7 format) with the tDPR functionality. I have created a bat file that creates the tDPR the bat file looks like: C:\Bentley\GeoWebPublisher…
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    ) making only change to the search paths to the different folder, I get the sheet border. I have tried using different of your seed files, doesn't matter.

    Here are the files I have used

    And I have viewed it in BGWP test viewer and the borders are there.

    Yesterday I at least (think) I managed to get your test files to be viewed without seeing the sheet border, but not today.

    Could it be som general setting on some caching BGWP is doing (I have clear the browser cache)?

    Or am I just doing something very wrong??



  • Could it be some print config file that is used for the tdpr conversion?
    How do I know what config file is used?
  • I think I found the print cfg file thats being used.
    C:\Bentley\GeoWebPublisher\Engine\Pub\pltcfg\dpr.pltcfg and then I set

    Instead of true.

    It looks like it did the trick


    Answer Verified By: Mike001 

  • Thanks for the update.

    Rather strange but I am glad it works now. This option is always on by default and it never caused (in my case at least) the border to appear when publishing tDPR data.


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