PubServer Error when seeding Geowebcache from Bentley Geo Web Publisher.

Hi, I encounter several ErrorS when seeding Geowebcache from Bentley Geo Web Publisher.

Error 1: Layer _tDpr: Resymbolization failed[MSPDSPMAP_ERROR_RESYMBOL]

Error 2: MapViewerLite: The timeout expired before the map could be rendered. [MSPDSPMAPVIEWERLITE_ERROR_TIMEOUT]

               MapViewerLite: Unrecoverable error. Restarting MapViewerLite engine. [MSPDSPMAPLITE_ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE]

               An XML exception was sent to the requester.[MSPDSP_ERROR_XMLEXCEPTION]

Error 3: =============Starting PubServer============

    Failed to open server port 8087[MSPDSP_ERROR_OPENPORT

     =============Stopping PubServer===========

Error in Geoserver: Error rendering coverage on the fast path.

  • Hello Xi,

    Looking at the log it looks like you are publishing tDPR and tRaster layers (assumingly by the name of the layers) in WMS mode (MapViewerLite), while publishing the layers there was a time out and the GWP Service stopped.

    If my interpretation is correct regarding the data that you are trying to publish (tDPR and tRaster) my first suggestion would be to confirm that the tDPR and tRaster layers were correctly created. You should do that by making sure the related tDRP and tRaster .db files show in each row the xy extensions, to verify the .db you can follow the steps described in the technote indicated below. If a row does not contain the x and y boundaries then the tDPR wasn’t correctly created.

    On the other hand one possibility of a time out related error is that there could be too much data being requested causing the failure. The tDPR workflow has been designed to display at a large scale, with a minimum set of DGNs displayed at the same time. In tDPR 1 DGN = 1 DPR file and if you fit to the entire dataset, you will display (load in memory) all dpr files. Hence in this conditions if you use this type of layer as a startup layer and the layer contains hundreds or thousands of tiles (dprs) this could happen. In this scenario to prevent loading all the tiles, you can define a scale range for the layer in the Map Author. This type of layer is very detailed and hence there is no need for such detail when fitting the whole data. So what you can test is setting the Map Layer to 1:5000 scale range for example and then in the WMS viewer zoom below the scale (in a location where you know there is data) to see if it publishes the data correctly. What you can consider for a startup/overview layer is the use an iDPR layer that contains limited levels, for example a grid that loads the boundary of each tile.


  • Hello Xi,

    Looking at the log it looks like you are publishing tDPR and tRaster layers (assumingly by the name of the layers) in WMS mode (MapViewerLite), while publishing the layers there was a time out and the GWP Service stopped.

    If my interpretation is correct regarding the data that you are trying to publish (tDPR and tRaster) my first suggestion would be to confirm that the tDPR and tRaster layers were correctly created. You should do that by making sure the related tDRP and tRaster .db files show in each row the xy extensions, to verify the .db you can follow the steps described in the technote indicated below. If a row does not contain the x and y boundaries then the tDPR wasn’t correctly created.

    On the other hand one possibility of a time out related error is that there could be too much data being requested causing the failure. The tDPR workflow has been designed to display at a large scale, with a minimum set of DGNs displayed at the same time. In tDPR 1 DGN = 1 DPR file and if you fit to the entire dataset, you will display (load in memory) all dpr files. Hence in this conditions if you use this type of layer as a startup layer and the layer contains hundreds or thousands of tiles (dprs) this could happen. In this scenario to prevent loading all the tiles, you can define a scale range for the layer in the Map Author. This type of layer is very detailed and hence there is no need for such detail when fitting the whole data. So what you can test is setting the Map Layer to 1:5000 scale range for example and then in the WMS viewer zoom below the scale (in a location where you know there is data) to see if it publishes the data correctly. What you can consider for a startup/overview layer is the use an iDPR layer that contains limited levels, for example a grid that loads the boundary of each tile.


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