Extracting Geospatial data from ArcGIS Connector

I've finally been able to get my server to run the ProjectWise ArcGIS Connector. However now when I try and extract any data I receive the attached error in the Job Status - ProjectWise Connector. Any thoughts on resolving this would be appreciated.

  • Phillip;

    Please provide the detailed information by right clicking on the failed job and copying the messages to a text file and including it in the thread. This will help out quite a bit.




  • I've been able to figure out what is happening and even a workaround. The application is looking for the GISConnTranslationProcessorX.dgn files under C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise Connector for ArcGIS\dgn. However when the application was installed it placed the GISConnTranslationProcessorX.dgn files under C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise Connector for ArcGIS\dgn. If I copy the GISConnTranslationProcessorX.dgn files under C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise Connector for ArcGIS\dgn it is successful in extracting the data. However I'm not sure which is the correct location for the translation files.

    Answer Verified By: Nelson Hobdell 

  • The Translator design file should have been created by the configuration wizard.   If something went wrong, it should be reported in

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley \ProjectWise Connector for ArcGIS\logs\ConfigureConnectorTrace.txt

    Note:  if the trace log file doesn't exist, that's a strong indication that the configuration wizard lacks permission to write to C:\Program Files (x86)\.   Running the configuration wizard with administrator privilege may solve the problem.

    Run the configuration wizard, setting the number of translators to zero, then run the wizard again with the desired number of translators.  The text area of the final panel of the configuration wizard should report an error message.

    If it is Windows 2008 Server: Click 'Run as Administrator': Have to run the Configuration Wizard as Admin for it to do the configuration properly.

    This is a test

    Answer Verified By: Nelson Hobdell 

  • The correct location of the file is the same i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\ProjectWise Connector for ArcGIS\dgn

    This is a test

  • Temporary files should not be created under Program Files. This is not correct and certified with Windows Vista and newer Windows. No wonder that it causes issues.

    I would like to change the path were these translator dgns are placed. Also I have observed that if engine configuration is rerun it doesn't reuse translator numbering and creates new numbers. Afterwards each reconfiguration then takes more time, not sure if it is related to numbering scheme.