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Demand Control Center


1- In Demand Control Center (DCC) when you click on 'Query' there are some items which do not correlate with the topic. For example 'Pumps' have not Demand and DCC does not show it at all. How can make q query for it?

2- What is 'Important Elements' in DCC Query?


  • Hello Sim,

    The query option in the Demand Control Center contains all pre-defined queries that can be found in the Queries manager (View > Queries). The Demand Control Center will filter on a selection and if the query includes elements of the type found in Demand Control Center, it will filter the list by this query. For instance, select the query found at Network Review > Dead End Nodes, the Demand Control Center will only show junctions in the model that are at a dead end.

    If you want to create your own query, you can do this under View > Queries. The custom query will appear above the list of pre-defined queries

    Another useful option in the Query button is the inclusion of selection sets. These appear above the custom and pre-defined queries when you select the Query button. This allows the user to create a selection set and filter the Demand Control Center on the selection set.


    Answer Verified By: Sushma Choure