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Slipt pipe in watergems

I am using GIS network to build model, GIS department didn't cut pipe at Orange Junction and that junction is automatically created when drawing blue pipe. When I build hydraulic model by Modelbuilder, Pipe  did not split at orange junction. 

How can I split all pipe candidates in WaterGEMS?

  • First, you should have a talk with the people in you GIS department about inserting nodes at the right places.

    Then, run the Network Navigator query Network Review > Pipe Split Candidates.

    Then right click and pick Merge Nodes in Close Proximity. A dialog will pop up asking you which nodes you want to merge.

    Answer Verified By: Sushma Choure 

  • To split the overlapping pipe and connect the node, either right click the node and choose Split, or take a look at the Batch Pipe Split tool if you have a lot of these.

    If you search in the Hydraulics and Hydrology Support Solution area, you'll come across this relevant article:


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

    Answer Verified By: Sushma Choure 

  • Thanks Dr. Tom and Jesse
    I know that Batch Pipe Split tool can do, but just with exsiting noughbouring nodes found withthin specificed tolerance distance. My problem, there aren’t orphan nodes, there are disconected between distributed pipes with tranmission pipes. The way  “right click the node and choose Split” is right but I can’t use Batch Pipe Split Tool for that.
  • I don’t know why the last time I implemented unsuccessful, after that I re-setup. Now it is ok
    Thanks Dr. Tom

    Answer Verified By: dang tran.