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Importing TRex elevations

I have a DEM model that has the z values stored in metric (as a goegraphical coordinate system).  In the TRex wizard I have specified my model as having a State Plane English coordinate system.  When I run the wizard on the points I'm interested in, they display the values in metric.  I am running WaterGems in ArcMap.  Is there a way for TRex to convert these metric elevations to english automatically?  I guess I assumed since I set my coordinate system in TRex, it would convert the data to match.  Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

  • rmaeng,

    TREX doesn't automatically convert the values for you. It's kind of like our Modelbuilder tool in that it will read the information in your data files and write those elevations to the nodes you choose using a spatial location of nodes.

    Here's a quick solution for your issue:

    1) On your WaterGEMS toolbar go Tools > Options and click on the 'Units' tab.

    2) In row 31 of the table change the units from 'feet' to 'meters' (or whatever metric unit of height your z values are in)

    3) Now run TREX and all your elevation values should come in correctly in metric units.

    4) Now you can use one of the options located in the wiki below to change your units back to feet and WaterGEMS will automatically convert them for you.




    Answer Verified By: Sushma Choure 

  • That works great.

    Is there a way to get TRex to read DEM elevations from ArcGIS Online? I am able to add a Terrain from ArcGIS online, but can't figure out if I can use it in TRex.
  • rmaeng,

    No, not directly. What I believe you'd have to do is import the file from ArcGIS online, then convert it to a shapefile or one of the other file input types that TREX can accept, and select the file from there. I just put in a enhancement for you that would add the ability for TREX to directly access ArcGIS Online files that will be considered for the an upcoming release of the software. That enhancement number is 247267 for those that are interested.

