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Modelling Water Network with different emitters exponent - Watergems

I'm doing a water network and  I want to know if it is possible use differents(various) emitters exponent in the same model. I have pipe with different materials and the emitter exponent it is different for each one of them.

  • Why are you wanting to use emitter coefficients in the model?

    Can you explain what you are trying to do.
  • Hi,

    For the same model that it's a skeleton pipe from my city, exists different materials associated and I want to try to do the model but assign different emitters coefficient in the same model, it's the way we calibrate our models here.
  • Osmar,

    Emitter coefficients are used to model orifice discharges to atmosphere such as sprinkler heads. That doesn't sound like what you want.

    It sounds as if you want to do is apply different roughness values to different pipes. This is easily done by assigning different Hazen-Williams C-factors or different Darcy-Weisbach roughness to pipe elements.

    You can assign values individually to each pipe or you can create selection sets for each pipe group and assign roughness to each group. This can be done by creating selection sets, right click on pipe flex table (View > Flex Table) and Open on Selection. You can globally assign values to all pipes in that set.

    See the help on selection sets and flex tables to details of the steps.
