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Managing Many Scenarios, How do you keep it 'tidy'?

Hi All, 

I am now getting a handle on my water model and people within the organisation are sending more and more potential scenarios through for me to model. So as you can imagine the Scenario Manager is starting to get quite a long list of scenarios within.

My question is, how do you guys manage this? Do you save a copy of the model each time you are asked to run a scenario, and create child scenarios from this 'offshoot' of your main file? or do you all work within the one WaterModel.wtg?

I can see in a year or so my list of scenarios will be in the hundreds, and I think that is untidy (also it plays on my OCD a little!).

How are other people managing all the requests?



  • A couple of tips:

    1. Pick good names for your scenarios--scenario1, scenario2,... are not good. Try to name them based on how they differ from one another and use abreviations so the names don't get too long.

    2. My preference is to use separate file for different studies. First create a model that you use for calibration. Save that with all the good and bad calibration runs. Then strip out everything (including alternatives that are no longer needed) except for the good calibrated model you will use as the starting point for individual studies. You may have one file with all you systemwide fire flow analyses, one with all the analyses you did for the new industrial park, one with all the analyses you did for the new pump station. If projects impact one another, keep them in the same file.

    3. Use files with good names so you can find them on the server in case you need to go back to them.

    4. When a major upgrade is made to the system, go back an upate you main file. Now you are faced with the issue of whether and how to update the old files which you used for projects. Only do this if the new upgrade affects the results of your projects.

    But this is just my opinion and I'm sure others will have different views on this. This is still so much better than having one file for every scenarion the way some cruder models do,

  • And there is a Notes field in the scenario property grid where you can keep notes about why you created a scenario and what it showed you.


    You mention stripping out everything including alternatives that are no longer needed.  How do you accomplish that if you have many levels of children?  It seems that you can't delete an alternative or scenario without deleting everything under it.  So if your desired model is many levels down in the hierarchy, how can you get rid of everything 'above' it?

  • If you are deleting the base scenario/alternative which is no longer needed, then that will delete children scenarios as well, which might be required to you.
    That’s why Dr. Walski mentioned about creating new separate files for different studies. If you are pushing the software to its memory limit, then it may slow down as well.


    Sushma Choure

    Bentley Technical Suppport