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Mr. Haestad and Bentley Bro.


1- Apparently the first version of WaterGEMS was published at 1990. who knows more about the history of WaterGEMS and how water network was designed before it?

2- What is the relevance between Haestad and Bentley? Was John Haestad's company bought by Bentley Brothers? Is Haestad a vice-president for Bentley company?

3- Which one is alive and which one was dead?


  • The Bentley Brothers and John Haestad are all alive and doing very well. They are enjoying the fruits of creating great software. Thanks for your concern.

    Bentley Systems acquired Haestad Methods in the mid-2000's.

    The first Haestad water model was DOS-based Cybernet in the late 1980's. That was followed by windows based WaterCAD in the mid-1990's. WaterGEMS came along in the early-2000's to incorporate GIS platform work flows. Prior to Cybernet, water models evolved from the 1960's but Cybernet's User Interface was a major advance. Before computer analysis there were manual calculations by slide rule, rules of thumb and use of the Hardy-Cross method for skeletonized looped networks.

    With regard to the history of hydraulic models, Lindell Ormsbee from the Univ. of Kentucky wrote a very nice paper for the WDSA Conference in Cincinnati in 2006.

  • Hello Mr. Walski

    Could you explain more about this 'acquirement'?


  • Regards,

    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

  • Hello
    I want to know a little more about Bentley Co:
    How many softwares this company has made?

    Are all of softwares about fluid and storm?
    How many employees work for Bentley Co?

    Who is the President of Bentley? Greg Bentley?

    Which brother of Greg Bentley work for Bentley?

    How can see photos of Mr. Bentley and Mr. Haestad? I googled it, but could not reach good result.

    By the way, Is Haestad Methods existing now or it merge into Bentley and no company with this name (Haestad Methods) has activity?

    thank for your response.

  • Simbaa,

    May I ask why you need all this information?

