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manhole headboard.

manhole headboard

I need to know if this can be made SewerCAD or SewerGEMS ..
This condition occurs when there are two output levels, the software sends me this note id 51022: Should be ther only one non-diversion conduit type out of a gravity juntion.
I do not require a diversion. I require is that a node has multiple output as when a well design saves.
this condition is allowed in civil 3d hidraflow storm sewer. but I have no load buider there ....
I would greatly appreciate your comments

manhole cabecero

me es necesario saber si esto lo puede realizar sewercad o sewergems..
esta condicion se da cuando hay dos niveles de salida, el sofware me envia esta nota id 51022 : ther should be only one non-diversion type conduit out of a gravity juntion.
no requiero una diversion. lo que requiero es que de un nodo tenga multiple salida ya que a la hora del diseño se ahorra un pozo.
esto condicion esta permitida en civil 3d hidraflow storm sewer . pero no tengo ahi load buider....
les agradeceria mucho su comentario