How to See Hebrew or Arabic text in a .DXF file that was exported from WaterGEMS/WaterCAD

  Applies To 
  Product(s): Bentley WaterCAD, WaterGEMS
  Environment:  N/A
  Area:  Other
  Original Author: Terry Foster, Bentley Technical Support Group

When exporting a model to DXF that contains Right-to-Left text such as Hebrew or Arabic, the text will not export correctly when the .DXF file is opened in AutoCAD.


Make sure you have build (or newer) and the latest cumulative patch (as of 12/5/2013) installed before following these steps.

Steps to Accomplish

Option 1 After exporting the model containing Hebrew text to a .DXF file

  1. Open the .DXF file in AutoCAD.
  2. Click on Annotate

  3. Click on the pull down arrow to the right of "Text"

  4.  Click on "New"

  5. Give the new style a name.  Click on OK.

Option 2 If you have a Hebrew font:

  1. Click on the pull down arrow for "Font Name"

  2. Click on "Apply", then "Close"

  3. Select the text that shows up as "????"

  4. Click on the font style in the "Annotate" pull down and select the new font name that you have created.

Option 3 If you do not have a Hebrew font:

  1. Click on the pull down arrow for "Font Name".  Select @Arial Unicode MS.  In the "Effect" section, you wil need to select "Backwards".  Click on "Apply", then "Close".

  2. Select the test that shows up as "????".

  3. Click on the font style in the "Annotate" pull down.  Select the new font name that you have created.


