Error opening model in WaterCAD 7: UserCount | Unable to open roster

Applies To 
Product(s):WaterGEMS, WaterCAD
Area: Other
Original Author:Mark Pachlhofer, Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description

When trying to open a open a project file for WaterCAD 7 or WaterGEMS 3.0 you get the following error message below:  


HJetDataConnectionFactory : Failed CJetDataCollection::UserCount

Unable to open roster


With the older versions of WaterCAD and WaterGEMS, like WaterCAD V7, there used to be a file path character limit of  ~110. This is no longer an issue with later versions of the application. 


Either place a copy of the .WCD and .MDB files for the project on your desktop to open the project and work with it there or shorten the file path location on your server where the project files are located. If you choose the former option you can always copy the files back to the server location once you are done working with them from your desktop. 

See Also

PondPack error: Unable to open user roster