Does the design tool in SewerCAD or StormCAD design my network from upstream to downstream or vice v

Product(s):SewerCAD, SewerGEMS , CivilStorm, StormCAD
Version(s):08.11.XX.XX, 10.XX.XX.XX
Area: Layout and Data Input


Does the design tool in SewerCAD (GVF Convex Solver) or StormCAD (GVF Rational solver) design a system from upstream to downstream or vice versa?

With the constraint based design feature, can I choose between designing the network from downstream to upstream, or from upstream to downstream?


The design solver runs a check in both directions, so it is designed both ways.

If you want to start with an assumed invert or cover on either the downstream or upstream side of the network, this can be done using local constraints. If you want to design "from downstream", set "design structure elevation" to false for the downstream outfall (or manhole, if discharging into a pressure network in SewerCAD). If you want to design "from upstream", set "design structure elevation" to false for the upstream most manhole.

Note: this assumes the use of the GVF Convex or GVF Rational numerical solver (see calculation options) with the analysis mode set to Design.

Example model available below, saved in version (you must have this version or higher to open)

Design from upstream vs

See Also

What is the order of the design priorities used in StormCAD (GVF-Rational solver) and SewerCAD (GVF-Convex solver)?

How can I set a certain slope for my pipes when designing them?