Exporting a model to EPANET after importing it with ModelBuilder

Product(s): WaterGEMS, WaterCAD
Version(s): 10.XX.XX.XX, 08.11.XX.XX
Area:  Output and Reporting


I've created a model by importing data using Modelbuilder, but I'm having trouble exporting the model to EPANET or seeing the model in EPANET 2.0. What should I look out for when exporting a model to EPANET after having imported it using Modelbuilder?


When choosing to have Modelbuilder create a new scenario, please be sure to switch to that newly created scenario after the Modelbuilder run is complete, before exporting to EPANET. Here are the full steps for exporting a model to EPANET, after having imported it using Modelbuilder:

1) Set up and complete the Modelbuilder run, to import elements and attributes.

2) Close the Modelbuilder manager and choose "Yes" if asked to synchronize drawing.

3) Ensure that the active scenario is set correctly. This is done from the dropdown at the top-left side of the program, or by going to the Analysis menu, choosing Scenarios, then right clicking on the desired scenario and choosing "make current".

4) Check the model data to ensure that everything was imported correctly. Clean up any data errors due to drawing imperfections, etc. There are many drawing tools and queries available to help you with this. If you notice that pipes are connected to nearby nodes that they should not be connected to, you may need to start a new model, open the Modelbuilder run that you had previously set up, and adjust the spatial "tolerance" value. If this is set too high, pipes may connect to the wrong node.

5) Insert any additional information in the model that you need in the EPANET model as well, such as demands, pump definitions, controls, etc.

6) Use the Validate tool under the Analysis menu to check the model for errors. Look at the User Notification list and correct any errors before exporting to EPANET.

7) If the model needs to be in a running condition (meaning, if it needs to calculate the hydraulics) before exporting to EPANET, click compute under the analysis menu and check for any issues.

8) Once satisfied that the model is ready to be exported, check again that the correct scenario is set as active/current, then go to File > Export > EPANET. In the prompt that appears, you can choose to have the EPANET element labels show up as the WaterGEMS/WaterCAD element labels (such as P-1234), or the WaterGEMS/WaterCAD element ID (such as 12345). The reason for this is because EPANET does not support duplicate labels across elements, whereas WaterGEMS and WaterCAD does (since the ID will still be unique). If you do not believe that your WaterGEMS/WaterCAD model contains any duplicate labels, you can choose to export labels. If you think there's a chance that some labels might be the same, choose to export ID.

9) Open the .inp file in EPANET 2.0. If any error messages appear, there may be problems in the model layout or setup. Review the WaterGEMS model, correct as needed and try again.

See Also

Using ModelBuilder to Import External Data

Using the Sync Out function to update source files using ModelBuilder

What are the limitations of importing/exporting EPANET files?

Troubleshooting problems with importing EPANET or EPASWMM files

Missing pipes when exporting to EPANET
