[SelectServer] Compress SelectServer Database

In pursuit of solving an issue with a deployed SelectServer installation, we created a new database. The results of our testing revealed the issue was NOT with the original database, so we would like to switch SelectServer from the "new" database back to the previous database so we can maintain usage history. When I use Database Setup and select the "old" database, I get this status:

"There is insufficent space left in the SQL Server data file to upgrade the database.  Microsoft SQL Server - Express Edition (64-bit) has a 4 GB data file limit.  The upgrade process requires 3.3 times the amount of disk space that the data currently uses.  Note: the increased disk space is only required for the upgrade."


Can that database be compressed, or reduced in size, so we can point SelectServer back to the "old" database?




  • SELECTserver Database Setup incorrectly assumes a maximum size of 4 GB for a SQL Server Express database of 2008 or later (defect 129407). This assumption is correct for SQL Server 2005 Express, but 2008 and later increased the maximum size to 10 GB. Fortunately, SELECTserver 9.x provides a method to manually switch the license database from the command line. To do so, please open an Administrator Command Prompt, and execute the following command, replacing placeholders in angled brackets as needed:

    "%ProgramFiles%\Bentley\SELECTserver\sscmd.exe" -c dbSettings -s <database server\instance name>  -db <license database name> -u <user name> -p <password>

    For example, the following command would configure SELECTserver to utilize a database instance on the local server named SELECTserver using the sa user and a password of TestPassword01 and a license database named OriginalDB:

    "%ProgramFiles%\Bentley\SELECTserver\sscmd.exe" -c dbSettings -s .\SELECTserver -db OriginalDB, -u sa -p TestPassword01

    Output like the screenshot below will appear.