Custom Linestyle, Display, width

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Custome Linestyles
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Henricus Ligtvoet, Bentley Technical Support Group


When opening a V7 or converted V7 file in V8 a custom linestyle that has a specific start width and end width set, displays dots, whereas in V7, the custom linestyle display is correct. The file can still be in the V7 format or can be converted to the V8 format. In the V7 file, the Enhanced Precision is active


This issue is related to the (advanced) file resolution and the enhanced precision set in the V7 file. The start and end width values were set to a value smaller than the UOR's in the file. That is only possible in case Enhanced Precision is ON. Because V8 does not support/take the enhanced precision into account, the custom linestyle is displayed as
To resolve, you should reconsider the settings for the custom linestyle start and end width to a value higher than or equal to 1 UOR.s in the file. Alternatively, in case the V7 file is converted to the V8 format, a higher resolution should be set in the V8 file, so that the start and end width settings are valid again.

To increase the number of UOR's (advanced resolution) in the V8 file, the .mvba: Scale File/Model for MicroStation V8 (available from the Bentley Library) can be used to (batch) process the related file(s).