DDE/OLE and Copy/Paste issues.



DDE/OLE and Copy/Paste issues.

When using the DDE/OLE Tools from the Edit menu as well as when using Copy/Paste, nothing can be inserted/pasted or the element that is inserted/pasted in the file is a raster object. In case the DDE/OLE tools were used, the inserted raster element has no links attached although that was set by the user. In case of Copy/Paste or Copy/Paste Special, the original elements are inserted as a picture (raster).


The DDE/OLE and Copy/Paste tools require that there is a temp folder with full access for the user.
The location of this folder is set in the variable: MS_TMP.
To find the location of the related temp folder from within MicroStation, use the keyin:
$ % explorer $(MS_TMP)

If the folder does not exist, than create it and make sure that it does not have restrictions.

If the folder exists, than check that the user does have write access (user permissions).

If the folder exists and has write access, the problem could be caused by the files in that folder.
One of the files in that folder is called clipbrd.dgn or clipboard.dgn.
That clipbrd.dgn / clipboard.dgn is the temp storage file for the elements/objects that are available to be inserted into the open dgn file. In some cases clipbrd.dgn / clipboard.dgn is corrupted (due to a MicroStation or Windows crash).
To resolve: Exit MicroStation and remove either the clipbrd.dgn / clipboard.dgn or all the files that are left behind in the temp folder.

After a restart of MicroStation, the DDE/OLE and Copy/Paste tools should work fine again (clipbrd.dgn / clipboard.dgn will be recreated on the fly).

Note: By default the variable MS_SCR includes this MS_TMP variable.

Should that MS_SCR point to a different location, than that location should have no restrictions either.

This solution applies to all versions of MicroStation and related products.

See Also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Henk Ligtvoet