Custom line is all in red but element information shows different

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Custom Linestyles
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group


Custom line is all in red but element information shows different
colors. Why is this?

Product: MicroStation V8 2004 Edition
Area: Custom Linestyles, Problem ID#: 24096, GENERALINFORMATION


The custom linestyle color is set to symbol color rather then element
color. To correct this. Go to Element > Linestyles > Edit > Open up
the Linestyle resource file and click on the point symbol sub component.
Highlight the gap and the options at the bottom will then be available.
Go to the color option and change it from Symbol to Element. The
element color will then be used rather then the symbol color

See Also