Dialog box cannot be moved or located

 Version:V8, XM, V8i, CONNECT


The dialog box for any tool can get stuck either under the menubar or off the screen making it difficult to move or even locate on the screen.


Sometimes a tools dialog window can get placed or moved into a position that does not display the header.

The header is commonly used to move the dialog by dragging it into position.

When this is unreachable it can be difficult to move the dialog back into view.

Here are a few techniques that may help in getting the dialog back into a better location.

Option #1 (V8i only)

Use the Window menu Go to Window > [Dialog name]

When the dialog is selected it should reset it to a good position within MicroStation's application window.

Option #2

Use SHIFT button


1. Position mouse on edge of dialog so that a "resize" arrow icon appears.

2. Hold SHIFT down (the cursor should switch back to a selection arrow icon)

3. Move the mouse and the dialog should move with it.

Notes: This is only possible with dialogs that can be resized.

Option #3:

Using Windows settings to temporarily lower the screen resolution one step forces all dialogs to be re-positioned and will usually make hidden dialogs pop back into view.

Option #4:

Restore defaults


1. Windows "Start" Button

2. Run

3. Browse to Ustation.exe (Default location: C:\Program Files(x86)\Bentley\Program\MicroStation\Ustation.exe)

4. Place a space after the Ustation.exe and type "-restoredefaults"

5. Example ...Ustation.exe -restoredefaults

6. Finally a MicroStation command window will open displaying the details of the operation. Then Press any key to Exit.

Note: This will reset all dialog positions as well as all docking and dialog display settings. It is recommeded to try the other options before attempting this option.

Option #5:

In case you have an Nvidia video card, another suggestion is to check the settings of that card, see the screenshot below.


(click on the picture to enlarge it).

Also See


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