Running verifydgn from Dos or Command Prompt

 Version:V8, 2004, XM, V8i
 Area:File Access


Running Verifydgn from a Command Prompt


To run VerifyDgn through the Command line or Dos Prompt:

First you will need to change directory to:


Here are the two command line switches:

In order to verify that the file can be worked on:


In order to repair the file:


The first of these commands does a read-only verify on the file, and lists any defects it finds in the console window.

The second command does a "Verify and repair graphics" in which a few of the known types of defects can be corrected, listing
verification and repair progress in the console window.

See Also:

Recovering Corrupt DGN and DWG Files

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group