How to export coordinates for the center point of circles in the design file?

 Version:V8i, CONNECT
 Area:Coordinate Systems

How to export coordinates for the center point of circles in the design file?


I would like to export coordinates for the center point of circles only (not any other element) to the text file, how can I do that?

Steps to Accomplish

You can do that by Export Coordinates tool by following these steps:

  1. The tool can be found through XYZ Text-tool which you can enable from Tools > Tool Boxes… In the opening Tool Boxes dialog scroll down, tick XYZ Text and click OK.

  2. Open Element Selection tool and expand it from the small arrow.
  3. Open tab Element Type and from the Element Type list select Ellipse > all the circles in the design file gets highlighted, but not any other elements.

  4. In the XYZ Text toolbox click Export Coordinates tool:

  5. Export Coordinates tool opens. Click Browse and select the folder for the export-file. Tick also the checkbox next to Point#, to get the order of the exported coordinates visible in the screen.

  6. Click Single and confirm with OK the selection set. The text file with center point coordinates is created and the numbers in the circles displays the order.

See Also

The Power Of CSV

 How to place a line using XYZ Coordinates using a Key-In Script 

Other Languages Sources



 Original Author:Anu Kuusiaho