How to recover lost or hidden Tool Settings dialog box


Problem Description

Occasionally, my "Tool Setting" dialog box gets lost or hidden somewhere, how could this be avoided.

Steps to Resolve

  1. With PopSet On (Popset Enabled), Ctrl + Spacebar will bring the "Tool Settings" dialog box  to the mouse cursor.
  2. Another way,  is to turn OFF the Tool setting mark (under menu Settings >Tool Settings) and then turn ON again. This will bring the dialog box up again if it is hidden or docked away along the edges of the application window.

3. Select the dialog through the view pulldown or through the window list select the dialog and use the Windows AeroSnap shortcut (WINKEY + directional key). The dialog should then be moved to the nearest screen

See also

Restore Tool Settings Dialog:

Other language sources

 Original Author:Judy Wong