Quickly Create Backup Copy of Design File

 Version:CONNECT, 2023


I need a quick and easy way to save backups of my design files.


Assign the backup key-in to a Keyboard Shortcut and then use it routinely when you save your files.

1. Navigate to File > Settings > User > Keyboard Shortcuts

2. Assign the key-in backup to a new or existing Key. The letter "J" is a good key as it is not assigned by default.

3. Click Apply and Close. Go back to the main interface and save the settings (CTLR+f).

Now every time you use this keyboard shortcut, a backup copy of the active design file will be saved as a .BAK file in the directory assigned by configuration variable MS_BACKUP.
The .BAK file can be renamed to .dgn (or other file types) to recover the file.
For best use, use the keyboard shortcut every time you save the design file as part of your routine.

You can verify a backup was created by observing the message in the bottom left corner of MicroStation's interface. The message will also tell you where the .BAK file is stored.

If the Keyboard Shortcut does not work initially, fully close MicroStation after saving settings and then reopen.

***NOTE - You can also use Function Keys (File>Settings>User>Function Keys) to assign the backup key-in.***

See Also

Automatically Back-Up and Save Settings

Automatic Backup of Design (DGN) Files

Automatically Create Backup Files When Opening

Other language sources

 Original Author:Jayson Perry