10. Model Screen graphics appear as a series of dots in Model View

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Graphics
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


When looking at the screen graphics in "Model View" the modeled pipelines appear as a series of dots. 

However when looking at the same model in Line mode it appears Ok. 

Why and how to fix it?


 First look at the Bend Tab on the input grid:

 Compare the the "Bend radius" values from the Bend tab of the input grid to the "Actual OD" on the Pipe Properties Tab.


B019 = 46450 / 114 mm =  407.4

A002 = 69800 mm / 168.27 mm = 414.8

As this ratio increases the model has to be zoomed further and further out to see the piping arrangement. At such a large zoomed scale in solid model view, a pipe of 114 mm will appear insignificant compared to a 46,450 mm bend radius.

Therefore suggest using Line mode to display the model.


This may also be caused by a bad scale factor when importing a model. To Fix, select the entire model using Edits> Scale>  enter the correct scale factor (bend radius was found to be R = 69800 mm but should be equal to a Long radius elbow where R = 228 mm).

 After applying the corrected scale factor, the model appears correct in solid model view:

See Also


Bentley AutoPIPE