AutoPIPE Dynamic Data Storage files - (*.SPC, *.TIH, *.THL,*.THP, *.FS, *.HMF)

AutoPIPE performs the following types of Dynamic analysis:

    1. Response/Force Spectrum

    2. Time History Profile

    3. Time History Location

    4. Force Spectrum

    5. Harmonic

Each of these dynamic analysis stores user data and settings in something refer to as STORAGE FILE. Each dynamic analysis has its out storage file formatting and file extension. See the following for a list or file extensions:

Dynamic  Analysis TypeFile name ext.Limitations
Response Spectrum*.SPC

Limitation: A maximum of 5000 points in a single spectrum file.

The name must less than or equal to 8 characters

Time History Profile

AutoPIPE 11.2
and higher


AutoPIPE 11.1
and lower


AutoPIPE 11.2 and later virtually allow unlimited number of time and A/G/F/D data pairs for input in the THP external ASCII text file for use in the time history analysis.

AutoPIPE 9.x - 11.1 allowed up to 10000 time and A/G/F/D data pairs for input in the TIH external ASCII text file for use in the time history analysis

Time History Location*.THL
Force Spectrum*.FS*

For all AutoPIPE versions: 

1. File name will continue to be limited to 8 characters (DOS format) not including the file extension.

2. All Storage Files will keep data using English Units. However, these files will convert to appropriate units based on the model input unit system on the GUI. 

Example, General model options model input / Export units are set to SI:

When viewing the Time History Profile with in the program, the Force is in Newtons:

However when viewing the actual TIH file, the units are (LB force):

Therefore, if the STORAGE FILEs were to be manually created in a text editor the files must meet the format and value are in the correct units as documented in the online help.

Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
Help > Contents> Search Tab> enter "(enter text from below)" (include the quotes), press List Topics button, double click on the selected topic from the list provided to see more information.

Creating an ASCII Spectrum File 

Creating an ASCII Time History (TIH) File

Creating an ASCII Time History Load File (THL)

Creating an ASCII Force Spectrum Load Case File

Creating an ASCII Harmonic Load File

In order to understand the English Units, please open the following file found in the AutoPIPE installation folder using any text editor (i.e. NotePAD, Ultra Edit, MS Word, etc..):

Default location = C:\ Bentley\ AutoPIPE V8i SELECTseries\ ENGLISH.UNT

Find the type of item in the right most column and scan left on the respective line to find the UNITS that value is reported in:


Acceleration units = in / s / s

See Also

Dynamic Analysis

Bentley AutoPIPE