Errors, Logs, Messages - OpenPlant ModelServer

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant ModelServer
Environment:Windows 7/8 (64 bit)
Area: - 
Subarea: - 
Original Author: Bentley Product Advantage Group

Errors/Logs/Warning Message dialogs

While working on modelling software, it is quite natural that some errors, crashes, warning messages may generates. Modeler may expect different scenario to deal with all type of conditions, be it working pattern/behavior, certain investigation or customization which results to some ambiguous results, error, crashes etc. We will be discussing here some of the relevant or common errors which can be fixed, to discuss, and to be taken care of, and most important to avoid such scenarios. 

Based on situation and feedback received, we will keep posting all possible cases. 

See Index: 

  1. Error 'Instance Not Access' while checking out pipelines
  2. Error : Unable to generate SELECT statement
  3. Error: Argument 'ecProperty for msi_TransactionID' cannot be a null value
  4. Error: Could not login to datasource. Status = -11157
  5. Error: Unable to Locate OpenPlant ModelServer

See Also

OpenPlant ModelServer

OpenPlant ModelServer [FAQ]

See Help Menu for additional information.

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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