How Do I Increase The Character Length Of The Spool Tag Annotation In Isogen [TN]

 Applies To 
 Product(s):AutoPLANT Piping 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Derek Cornell, Bentley Technical Support Group


The annotation for the spool tag in Isogen only allows up to fifteen characters displayed before it cuts off. This technote shows how to increase that value. 


  1. Open the following file in notepad:

    ..\program files\bentley\plant v8i\xchg\pcf\opcfhdr.ebs
  2. Find the following line in that script file:

    nStat = at_XchgWritelnData(" SPOOL-IDENTIFIER ", "SPOOL", AT_XCHG_STRING, "", 15, 3, "", AT_XCHG_OPTIONAL)
  3. The "15" is the value of the Spool tag length in Isogen. Increase the value to "20".

    nStat = at_XchgWritelnData(" SPOOL-IDENTIFIER ", "SPOOL", AT_XCHG_STRING, "", 20, 3, "", AT_XCHG_OPTIONAL)
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Restart AutoPLANT. This is very important since the changes will not be recognized until a new session of AutoPLANT is started.

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

Plant TechNotes And FAQs

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