Remove Support Direction Text From Isogen Drawings [TN]

 Applies To 
 Product(s):AutoPLANT Isogen
 Version(s):AutoPLANT XM
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Joey Bertone, Bentley Technical Support Group


Support direction text is automatically placed on isogen drawings by default in AutoPLANT XM. To remove the support direction text an AutoPLANT EBS file has to be edited to stop the direction text from being passed to the Isogen drawing.

This Technote will detail how to edit the EBS file to remove the support direction text on isogen drawings. Also included are instructions about how to make this change project wide; by making the EBS change project wide anyone using the project will not have support directions outputted to Isogen drawings.


Locate and Edit the EBS file

The support direction in AutoPLANT XM is placed via AutoPLANT's EBS script files. The opcfhdr.ebs file needs to be changed to stop the support direction from being pushed to the Isogen drawing. To stop the program from entering the support direction the section of the file that adds the direction will be commented out by adding ‘// to the beginning of the line. When ‘// is added to beginning of any line in an EBS file that line is ignored by the program.

Open opcfhdr.ebs which is located at C:\Program Files\Bentley\Plant XM\XCHG\pcf; Note, once the file is changed in this location all Isogen files created on the workstation will no longer output support direction. Find the following section;

'// Function to write out a component skewed direction data

Once found add the text ‘// to the beginning of lines indicated below (underlined for emphasis)

If (nStat = AT_SUCCESS) Then
     nDir = PCF_CONVERT_DIR(vDir, szDir)
     If (nDir > 0) Then
          nStat = at_XchgWriteText(" ")
          nStat = at_XchgWriteText(szKey)
          nStat = at_XchgWriteText(" ")
          nStat = at_XchgWriteText(szDir)
          nStat = at_XchgWriteln()
          '// Out put the direction as text
          '//status = at_Component_getString(supportClass, cmpID, "CLASS")
          '//status = at_ConfigurationTable_getString (dirStr, "", "SUPPORTS", supportClass, "ISOGEN_DIR_TEXT")
          '//If (status <> AT_SUCCESS) Or (dirStr = "") Then
          '// dirStr = at_Msg ("DIRECTION", "XCHG", 0)
          '//End If
          '//status = at_XchgWritelnText(" MESSAGE")
          '//status = at_XchgWritelnText(" TEXT " & dirStr & " " & szDir)
          nStat = AT_ERROR
     End If
End If


Once the changes are saved Isogen will not output the support direction.


Project Wide Removal of Support Direction

For the Opcfhdr.ebs file to effect Isogen production project wide create a copy of the Opcfhdr.ebs that was edited in the previous section. Next add the Opcfhdr.ebs file to the project;

Go to the project's root; locate the following path:


Example... Sample_Imperial\Config\XCHG\pcf

If it does not exist, create each folder in that order.

Place the copy of opcfhdr.ebs created in the previous section in Config\XCHG\pcf. Then locate the syspref.ini file on the local workstation, usually located here: C:\Program Files\Bentley\Plant XM\XCHG. Open the syspref.ini and add the bold text below to the pcf section of the file:

BEGIN_OUT = %Project_Root%\Config\XCHG\PCF\opcfhdr.ebs; at_PCFOut_begin;%Network_Root%\XCHG\PCF\opcfhdr.ebs; at_PCFOut_begin
HEADER_OUT = %Project_Root%\Config\XCHG\PCF\opcfhdr.ebs; AT_PCF_HEADER_OUT;%Network_Root%\XCHG\PCF\opcfhdr.ebs; AT_PCF_HEADER_OUT
HEADER_IN = %Network_Root%\XCHG\PCF\ipcfhdr.ebs; AT_PCF_HEADER_IN
FOOTER_OUT = %Network_Root%\XCHG\PCF\opcfftr.ebs; at_PCFOut_footer
POST_OUT = %Network_Root%\XCHG\PCF\opcfftr.ebs; at_PCFOut_post
END_OUT = %Network_Root%\XCHG\PCF\opcfftr.ebs; at_PCFOut_end
MAP_FILE_OUT = %Network_Root%\XCHG\PCF\pcf.ini

After the syspref.ini is changed, the opcfhdr file will be read from the project location rather then the individual workstation. Please note; the syspref.ini is on the local workstation and not the server, so it will need to be changed on each machine that will be creating Isogen drawings.

See Also

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