Chord definition toggle in SS4

I just loaded the SS4 Power Rail Track for the first time after running SS2. Few basic questions:

1. How do I bring up the conventional/ legacy Inroads/Rail dialogue box if available?

2. Where is the toggle for chord definition in SS4? The one that used to be under File/ Project settings in SS2?

3. Subsequently, where are project settings? Such as selection of AREMA methods and types of spiral definition?

  • All legacy PRT menus are there including Geometry except one which is Modeler. The modeler is fully replaced by Civil Tools.

    File>Rail Track File>Project Options is still there to set transition formulae and other settings (except those you are warned about when launching Project Options).

    You can find civil settings in Settings>Design File>Civil Formatting
    Note that Global Scale Factor is still use to create/annotate profile but not anymore for Cross Section where only the Drawing Scale is used.

    Concerning Geometry and transition type. only the  clothoide is actually supported in SS4. It means that if you are using AREMA you still need to design your alignment with legacy commands. Then you can continue vertical with legacy commands or Import your alignment from memory and design your vertical using civil geometry, then you can create corridor.


    • your Horizontal  must not use a feature definition where auto export is ON. If it is ON you will get linears instead of spirals in your ALG.
    • you must use legacy commands to edit your horizontal alignment
    • you must use Import from memory once you've edited your alignment: it will update your civil geometry and the corridor if it already exists
    • because the alg is still mandatory (to edit the alignment) as well as the dfrawing file (new with SS4) I would advise to name the ALG like the DGN that contains the alignment

  • All legacy PRT menus are there including Geometry except one which is Modeler. The modeler is fully replaced by Civil Tools.

    File>Rail Track File>Project Options is still there to set transition formulae and other settings (except those you are warned about when launching Project Options).

    You can find civil settings in Settings>Design File>Civil Formatting
    Note that Global Scale Factor is still use to create/annotate profile but not anymore for Cross Section where only the Drawing Scale is used.

    Concerning Geometry and transition type. only the  clothoide is actually supported in SS4. It means that if you are using AREMA you still need to design your alignment with legacy commands. Then you can continue vertical with legacy commands or Import your alignment from memory and design your vertical using civil geometry, then you can create corridor.


    • your Horizontal  must not use a feature definition where auto export is ON. If it is ON you will get linears instead of spirals in your ALG.
    • you must use legacy commands to edit your horizontal alignment
    • you must use Import from memory once you've edited your alignment: it will update your civil geometry and the corridor if it already exists
    • because the alg is still mandatory (to edit the alignment) as well as the dfrawing file (new with SS4) I would advise to name the ALG like the DGN that contains the alignment

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