Add or customizing rail profile in Light Rail Manufacturing


When I create rail In Light Rail Manufacturing feature of Power Rail Track, there are rail profile option in the menu.  But for my project, we will use grooved rail 59R2 or Ri59N.  This rail profile is not listed in the menu.

I had search in XIN file and coud not find this.  Can anybody help me?  I attach the create rail menu.


Irwan Joe

  • From the Help menu (Create Rails):

    "Rail Profile

    rail profile (section) of the rail. Available choices are in a user-created text file located at \data\metric\rail profiles table.txt. The format of the rail profile table is a single rail profile name, left rail base, left rail head, right rail head and right rail base. The base and head offsets are used in Reporting and Display and Annotation commands to provide a sense of width to each rail. This file should be pipe delimited since the rail profile name may include white spaces. The offset values for outside foot and head lines have a negative offset, and for inside foot and head lines have a positive offset. The following is a sample format:

    # Rail Profiles Table

    # rail profile name | left_rail_base left_rail_head right_rail_head right_rail_base




    UIC 60 | -0.111 -0.072 0.000 0.039

    BS 113A | -0.105 -0.070 0.000 0.035 "

    Answer Verified By: Irwan Joe 

  • Thank you for quick reply, EBlach.  I do understand now about the offset of the profile.

    It seems that we have to take a look from top of the rail

    For example UIC 60 has:

    left_rail_base left_rail_head right_rail_head right_rail_base

    -0.111            -0.072          0.000          0.039

    The left rail base are ((150 - 72)/2)+72= 111 mm, rail head has 72 mm width, the same with left_rail_head -0.072 etc


    So, for grooved rail 59R2 or Ri59N based on EN14811 are

    left_rail_base left_rail_head right_rail_head right_rail_base

    -0.105080  -0.055830  0.057170  0.07492

    Am I correct?


  • Thank you for quick reply, EBlach.  I do understand now about the offset of the profile.

    It seems that we have to take a look from top of the rail

    For example UIC 60 has:

    left_rail_base left_rail_head right_rail_head right_rail_base

    -0.111            -0.072          0.000          0.039

    The left rail base are ((150 - 72)/2)+72= 111 mm, rail head has 72 mm width, the same with left_rail_head -0.072 etc


    So, for grooved rail 59R2 or Ri59N based on EN14811 are

    left_rail_base left_rail_head right_rail_head right_rail_base

    -0.105080  -0.055830  0.057170  0.07492

    Am I correct?


  • Thank you for this post. I am working with my own tables and and grateful for this post.

    You are correct but you are using a incorrect design in the first figure. In file Rail Profile Table.txt the values are:

    -0.110300  -0.070600  0.000000  0.039700

    If we take a look at the design above the head size is the continuous line at the side of the rail head which gives us the measure of 70.6 mm.

    If we put that number in your calculation it will result accordingly to the numbers given in the rail profile table.