Secondary alignment strings within Roadway Designer - BRT/InRail

Microstation V8i SS2 - Bentley Rail Track V8i SS1 - Roadway Designer.

Hi all, once again i'm on my knees in search of some wisdom.

I'm creating dtm's within roadway designer using a variety of templates and where necessary including secondary alignment strings for widening. All sections excluding one have worked fine but this one area will not process correctly. Ive checked everything I can think of, ie integrity, string direction, string selection, chainages, offsets etc etc, ive even deleted and re-created double checking my process, also extended strings to match corridor extents, all with no prevail. The same template is working fine in other areas, including widening. Also, as per other successful areas the secondary alignment strings display fine both in plan and section within the roadway designer window, however following processing/surface creation the widening just isnt happening. I see no 'attach' option to add a screenshot, if I figure it out it will show secondary alignment strings in orange.

Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.

