Collinear Vs Tangency

Hi all


I was hoping someone could clarify some terminology. Firstly I know that in order for two or more elements to be valid in terms of railway design they need to be:-

    • Coincident  &
    • Collinear

A quick Google search defines Coincident as ".... two points are called coincident when they are actually the same point as each other..." With this in mind, in railway design terms to me coincident means that the end of one element must be connected to the start of another element.


Collinear on the other hand to me means points that lie one the same straight line, hence the term linear.


Here lies the problem, I have drawn a line that is tangent to an arc but I have deliberately not connected the line and the arc.


At the other end of the arc I have drawn a line that is connected to the end of the arc but I have deliberately drawn the line so that it was not tangent to the arc.


I then reviewed the Check Horizontal integrity menu.


I expected that the line that I had drawn that was tangent to arc but not connected to the arc would say Non - Coincident as this was consistent with the definition of the Coincident and Power Rail did in fact show these elements to be Non - Coincident.


What I did not expect was the arc that was connected to the line but was not tangent to the line would say Non- Collinear - I was expecting it to say Non Tangent or something to that effect why would it say collinear?


Can someone clarify?

