Power Rail Track V8i has stopped working


Very often if I undo large CS set  PRT crashes:

My computer is not so bad:

I think there may be some settings that I must change in windows or in PRT. Is there ?

Sometimes if crashes gives me to save some DTM or ALG files, is there an option to do so every time?

Also, sometimes if I create some CS set, and hit alt tab it crashes.

Any suggestions?

  • Concerning Files there is an autosave settign in Project Options>General. but not sure it is what you are talking about.
    Concerning the crashes you may observe the available and free memory when your CS set is there.
    I experience some issue and crashes when working in a file with a lot of references, the file itself is about 30MO.
    It happens when I do a lot of change from a model/view to another Inside the same drawing. Even I have a lot of available memory , the free memory decreases until 0 and ... crash. TO free the memory I must change from the drawing to another (an empty one) and come back to the original