Last Long Sleeper Location

Last Long Sleeper Location is currently not in use in the S&C Library that Network Rail have provided in the UK. I can see why they have chosen not to use it due to the variation in LLB/LLS placement as a result of bending in similar/contraflexure, as well as the differing manufacturers drawings, but I would like to know if anyone uses it with regularity or with any degree of reliability. I would like to use it to inform my vertical/horizontal design for a project in N.Ireland

I tried to use this for a custom turnout I have created. I worked out where the approximate placement of the LLB was, and the distance this point was from the .2 of the turnout as per the schematic in the help section of Bentley Rail Track. My issue is when I place this turnout, the LLB location comes in nowhere near the location I have specified. I have specified 12m from .2 to the LLB, but the LLS is being placed 6.808m from the .2 point.

The Turnout is on straight and level track with no applied cant

Has anyone experienced this before? Have attached some pictures for information

Would appreciate any help



  • I created the same turnout and I get the good length. Note that I can't see the branch element on your picture. The LLS is created when the branch element is created. I tested on

  • @jpln
    Thanks for this - I tested it again with a long connection element and managed to get the 12m length to work.
    Do you have any issues when creating a crossover using the connection editor. I believe this is where my original problem originated.
  • No I didn't face any issue yet but I don't have thousands of crossovers behind me :-)
    I never had to answer a service request about issue with connection editor. Usually 2 main reasons for that: it is not used, I think it is, or it does work well in the way users are actually using it. But sometimes new application comes out where we can discover some issue.

  •    jpln

    I would like to revisit this question.

    I have created a turnout in my turnout library. I have used the connection editor to create a connection with another turnout of the same style to create a crossover. When I create the LLS location, I have to overestimate the distance so the turnout connection editor places the LLS in the correct location.

    e.g. - I set the LLS distance to 25.625m in either my library or overridden in the connection editor. I solve my connection and the value updates in the LLS dialogue box to 19.2368m. 19.2368 is the correct location, but my definition of this length had to be 25.625m to allow this to occur.

    Furthermore, when I click apply again, the value further reduces, and each successive application of the connection editor solver, reduces this value further.

    Would appreciate any help

    See attached images for info


  •  The distance to last long sleeper looks long. The distance to LLS is measured from the heel of the turnout. If the LLS can not be placed between the 2 turnouts because there is not enough space, then Rail track reduces this distance to fit. I don't know the method applied to get the value.

    I don't see the LLS on your snapshot. It should look like the picture above. I increased the weight of the LLS, and don't look at the crossover from a design point of view, it was just to get the LLS.