RAM Concept Licensing and Usage of Post Tension (PT) Features

***Note - The RAM Concept Post Tension License was consolidated into the base RAM Concept License in April 2023. The information and recommendations on this page no longer apply.

Please visit this page for information on the RAM Concept license change.***

 Applies To 
 Product(s):RAM Concept
 Area: Licensing

What Ram Concept features trigger usage of the Ram Concept Post Tension Module license?

In RAM Concept release 5.0.2 and earlier, both a "RAM Concept" (product #1477) usage and a "RAM Concept Post Tension Module" (product #1479) usage are incurred each time the program is opened. The RAM Concept Post Tension Module (1479) license is tracked even if the model does not contain tendons and no tendon tools were used while the program was open.

Starting with Ram Concept release 5.1 and later, opening the program, opening a file, and performing the calculation in Ram Concept only ever requires a license for "Ram Concept" (1477). In those versions, a "RAM Concept Post Tension Module" (1479) usage is only incurred when specific tools for tendon modeling are used. 

To avoid unwanted "RAM Concept Post Tension Module" (1479) usage, it is important to update to a recent release of the program.

The tools and features that require a "RAM Concept Post Tension Module" (1479) and incur usage in the current version of the program are listed in the table below. Analyzing models with manual tendons, banded tendon polylines, or distributed tendon quadrilaterals will also incur usage even if one of the tools or feature listed below are not used during the session.

Layer or menuTools
Tendon Parameters (layer)
Manual Tendons (layer)
Process (menu)

Once usage of the PT features is initiated, that usage will continue in parallel with the Ram Concept (1477) usage until the end of that session. 


Starting with the CONNECT edition of Ram Concept (version 6.0), an option under Help - Manage License Restrictions was added so that users can opt out of all PT features in advance, like a safety.

If this option is unchecked, then whenever the post-tensioning features mentioned above are selected, the user will have to acknowledge and accept that usage or cancel.

CONNECT licensing was introduced in RAM Concept CONNECT Edition Version 7. CONNECT Licensing includes improved capabilities such as:

Beginning with Version 7, the Manage Licenses and Manage License Restrictions tools are found in the Help pull-down menu:

From RAM Concept version 2023, the RAM Concept license and RAM Concept Post Tension Module have been consolidated into a single RAM Concept product license/subscription. From this version, RAM Concept users are entitled to all RAM Concept product features, including the post-tensioning features, even if they did not previously own RAM Concept Post Tension.

RAM Concept License Consolidation - RAM | STAAD | ADINA Wiki - RAM | STAAD | ADINA - Bentley Communities

See Also

Structural Products Licensing [FAQ]

CONNECT Licensing Information

How products that use the Bentley IEG License Service are licensed

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