RAM SBeam 6.0 crashes immediately

 Product(s):RAM SBeam
 Environment: Windows 7 and later
 Area: General; Installation

Problem Description

I have successfully upgraded to RAM SBeam 6.0; the program crashes immediately when I try to run it.


RAMSBeam.ini has failed to update.


Uninstall RAM SBeam 6.0.

Search for RAMSBeam.ini (default location C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Engineering\RAMSBeam). Rename it (or delete it if there are no default changes to preserve). Now reinstall RAM SBeam 6.0 with full administrative privileges. Then RAM SBeam 6.0 should run fine.

Note: If you have changed the defaults those are saved as text strings in the RAMSBeam.ini configuration file, typically under the [MiscDefaults] section. You can copy that information and put it into the new configuration file to restore the settings. Don't change the sections labeled [ProductVersion] or [Directories] however.

See Also

RAM SBeam 6.0 Trial License message

RAM SBeam crashes while designing