iTwin Design Review in STAAD.Pro CE Update 5

Applies To
Version(s):CONNECT Edition U5 ( and up) 
Environment: ALL
Area: Analytical Modeling
Subarea: Import/Export Solutions

iTwin Design Review feature has been added in the STAAD.Pro CE Update 5 ( This new feature would facilitate collaboration between stakeholders working on a project and enable them to review models through interactive web based review sessions. Here are some important points regarding this implementation and how to use it

Whilst this is provided as a technical preview, this service is free to users

Here are the steps to use Design Review in STAAD.Pro

  1. This is a feature in the Physical model workflow and thus requires the model to be defined as a Physical Model
  2. To display the control, Click on the iTwin Services icon in the Model ribbon.
  3. To Initiate the service, click on the hyperlink text on the control, note that the cursor changes to indicate the action:-
  4. This should launch a browser to sign in to your connect account and request approval for access which should be acknowledged:-

  5. This will then allow the use of Design Review and is reflected in STAAD.Pro as the control changes thus:-
  6. Click on the Get Started button and connection to your Design Review sessions is established. Whilst the data is being processed, the control shows a wait message thus

  7. Once complete, the control is divided into 4 parts
    1. The header which indicates the current login credentials being used
    2. Hyperlink to initiate a New Session. This will take the current defined physical model and build a digital twin which is uploaded to the Design Review
    3. A display and link to your last Design Review Session so it can be accessed quickly. Note that this is provided for information but may be related to a completely different model or project.
    4. List of all design review sessions that you are a party to filtered by ‘tags’ which are initially based on the model name, but the tags used to filter this list can be customised to only display those that are relevant.  

Creating a new session

      1. The name of the session will be suggested based on the name of the model. However, note that this should be unique and as such if a session has been initiated with the name of the model already, then an alternative name should be provided.
      2. Define any tags. The name of the model is provided as a suggested tag, but any others can be added to help in getting collections of sessions at a later stage.
      3. Define additional participants. Clearly the power and benefit of a design review session comes from the collaborative effort of working with colleagues. They can be identified at this time or any time later once the session has been initiated.
      4. Setting provides a collection of modifications that allows the way the STAAD.Pro model is managed in creating the design review model.
      5. Clicking ‘Next’ will then start the process of building the Design Review model from the STAAD data and push it into he Design Review service. This may take a few minutes to process, but as this action is performed there will be a new panel displayed in the Sessions showing the progress icon next to the session title, e.g.:-

        1. Once complete the Session is marked with a tick and by clicking on the session, it is loaded into the browser where discussions and feedback can be solicited from the design team members that have been added to the session.
        2. Additionally, note that notification that the design review session is ready will be reported in your Connection Client

    Open Last Session

    1. This will open your browser, take you directly to the Design Review service where the model and comments from the last session you have been involved with is displayed for any further action.
    2. The session is now ready to add one or more comments which can become discussion threads with others in the design team that can be used to assist in progressing the project.  

    For a general guide on the iTwin Design Review service, see:-