How to Customize User Defined Tools dialog and how to delete the attached .vbs file from User Tools

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: STAAD.Pro Modeling Solutions
 Subarea: Open Staad, User Tools
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

How to Customize User Defined Tools dialog and how to delete the attached .vbs file from User Tools 


Add file in User Tools section under Utilities tab

1. Open STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition and create a new file or open an existing file

2. Navigate to Utilities 

3. Under User Tools, select Configure

4. In the Customize User Defined Tools dialog, follow the instruction as demonstrated below

5. Close all instances of STAAD.Pro application

6. Re open the STAAD file

7. The file will be added in the User Tools section

Delete the attached file from User Tools section under Utilities tab

1. Open the STAAD.Pro file

2. Navigate to Utilities 

3. Under User Tools, select Configure

4. In the Customize User Defined Tools dialog, follow the instruction as demonstrated below

5. Close the STAAD.Pro file

6. Re open any model and the .vbs file will no longer be visible in the User Tools section