Determining Flood Extents With InRoads 8.5

 Applies To 
 Product(s):InRoads 2004 Edtion
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group










When working with an existing river basin DTM, the following workflow should depict the location where the 20 foot flood level will intercept with the original surface:

  1. Place linestrings along each bank of the river.
  2. Create features in the surface from the linestrings:
    1. Select File > Import > Surface - From Graphics
    2. Select Drape to Surface.
    3. Select Exclude from Triangulation.
  3. Move the features up 20 feet in elevation:
    1. Select Surface > Edit Surface > Transform Surface.
    2. Set Method to Relative.
    3. Set Elevation to 20.
    4. Original and Destination surfaces are the same.
  4. Display the features in the design file.
    1. Select Surface > View Surface > Features.
    2. Select the two features created in Step 2.
  5. Create a Decision Table that moves horizontally to intercept the surface.
    1. Create a single entry in the decision table that has a 0% slope and extends far enough horizontally so that it will intercept with the surface.
    2. Toggle on Seek Intersection and Construct Point.
  6. Select Surface > Design Surface > Apply Decision Table to run the horizontal decision table along the features created in Step 2.
    1. Add the intercept into the surface or select Generate Graphics Only.

Option: Instead of creating two features for the river banks, use a horizontal alignment along the river to create a single feature. Then apply the decision table off both sides.

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

InRoads Product TechNotes FAQs And Support Video Clips


External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

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