ProStructures SS6 Licensing from version to

 Applies To 
 Version(s):V8i (SELECTseries 6)
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Licensing
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Roger Belen, Bentley Technical Support Group


A user is getting a prompt that they are running on Trial mode and their licenses are counting down.

Please see procedure below how to check your settings and the recommended solution.

ProStructures V8i (SELECTseries 6)

In ProStructures License Selection dialog  for version you can only see ‘ProSteel Professional’ and ‘ProConcrete Professional’ licenses:

If you are having issues licensing ProStructures. Check the licenses you have under the License Management tool.

Notice that you do not have ProSteel Professional and ProConcrete Professional listed but you have ProStructures.

To Activate ProStructures you need to update your version to ProStructures V8i for AutoCAD Update 1.

Please download it from our  Software Fulfillment page.

By doing this ProStructures License Selection dialog should show up. This will give you access to select ProStructures.