MS render problem

   I customized the MS material rendering template using photographs, which photographs I downloaded from the Internet. After I customized it, I exported it to the .mat template, but after I imported it on other computers, the material of my customized template is displayed as missing material, so I can't use the customized template. I wonder if I downloaded the image and didn't have it in the new computer. I imported the material file of the entire template into the It is copied and replaced, but the result is still the same. What's the problem? What's the normal way?Which teacher can help me out?

 thanks very much!

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  • 是这样的,因为在OBD ce版本中有如下三种材质路径分别是:1、C:\ProgramData\Bentley\connectsharedcontent 导出外部(.mat)表默认位置;2、

    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Datasets\Dataset_CN\Materials导入外部(.mat)表默认位置;3. C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenBuildings CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Building_Examples\worksets\BuildingTemplate_CN\Standards\Materials 图像贴图默认位置,因此,我将我网上下载的照片,放在以上三个路径中的那个路径的文件夹内,再进行自定义设置材质,导出.mat文件以后,在其他电脑上在导入,我自定义的材质还能继续存在并能继续使用?您发给我的链接我也看了,里面的内容讲的不是很清楚,我也不是很明白,希望老师您能给我答疑一下,万分感谢!

  • 你好 首先mat表文件不是材质的存储文件 材质真正的存储路径是我链接里发你的那个 再个材质读取是一种映射关系 是从dgnlib库中映射读取 所以你应该拷贝到你新电脑的相应的库文件里 那个链接里的视频应该讲到了这里面的结构关系 你还是仔细研究一下 具体不懂哪个问题再看 否则你要是完全不明白 我也不知道给你从哪讲起了