【MSCE C++】短路径设置


  • 试试以下的步骤:

    1. 操作系统权限UAC设置:

                    1) Turn off UAC (User Account Control)


                    Before you can do anything, you must turn off the UAC, or you will be locked out of the following steps.


                    1) Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> User Accounts

                    2) Click "Change User Account Control Settings"

                    3) Move slider all the way down to "Never Notify"

                    4) Reboot


                    2) Take Ownership


                    Yes take ownership. Even though you are logged on as an Administrator, you can't change files that don't belong to you. The Program Files folder is set to the Trusted Installer group and the Administrator doesn't have the rights to change anything. So now we have to claim all the files and folders.


                    1) Open Windows Explorer

                    2) R-Click on Program Files -> Properties -> Security Tab

                    3) Click Advanced -> Owner

                    4) Click Edit

                    5) Select Administrators -> Put a checkmark in Replace owner on subcontainers & objects -> Apply

                    6) Wait a while.....

                    7) When it finishes, Click OK on all boxes to close everything


                    3) Fix Permissions

                    Now that you own the files, you have to give yourself permission to modify them

                    1) R-Click on Program Files -> Properties -> Security Tab

                    2) Click Advanced -> Change Permission

                    3) Select Administrators (any entry) -> Edit

                    4) Change the Apply To drop down box to This Folder, Subfolder & Files

                    5) Put check in Full Control under Allow column -> OK -> Apply

                    6) Wait some more.....

                    7) When it finishes, the dialog boxes may hide behind the Explorer window. Minimize it and click OK on all the the dialog boxes

                    8.) Reboot

    1. 进入win7安全模式,并以本地administrator管理员登录;
    2. 以管理员身份打开cmd窗口;
    3. 进入c盘根目录,运行命令 fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 0

                                                                       fsutil file setshortname "Program Files (x86)" PROGRA~2


    1. 重新进入系统;
  • 已将权限更改,但是仍然被拒绝访问。。。。。

  • 很奇怪的现象呀,您那两个短路径从哪来的?这个ORD是什么时候 装的?

  • 是的Joy 我也感觉很奇怪。。。在考虑是否重新安装MicroStationJoyJoy

  • 重装一下试试吧,这个现象确实够诡异的。

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