【MVBA MS V8I】请问如何用右键实现模型的导入或者添加?





Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Reset()
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement eleCell
End Sub



  • 你的 eleCell是个在Dynamics方法中定义局部变量,并不是全局的类变量,在Dynamics 中的eleCell变量在方法执行完成后就被清理掉了。你在 Reset里面设置的eleCell实际上是并未定义的。你需要在Reset里重新生成一遍。你在代码最前面加上  Option Explicit  ,你的代码是会报错的。

    此外,右键按照MS的软件操作习惯,一般是中断的意思,你可以在进入Dynamics前设置一个全局的标记变量,这样在Dynamics后你鼠标左键点击了一下,进入DataPoint方法后执行现在 Reset中的代码。

    Reset方法里写一个 方法, 选错点了,能重新选点。


    Implements IPrimitiveCommandEvents
        Private i As Integer, p As Long, n_atPts As Integer
        Private m_atPoints() As Point3d, StartPt As Point3d, SecPt As Point3d
        Private Lipoints() As Point3d 'Lipoints是对应每一个标注点上面的点
    Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Cleanup()
    End Sub
    Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_DataPoint(Point As Point3d, ByVal View As View)
        If n_atPts = 0 Then
            StartPt = Point
            ShowPrompt "指定起始点位置"
            n_atPts = 1
        ElseIf n_atPts = 1 Then
            SecPt = Point
            ShowPrompt "指定起始标注位置"
            n_atPts = 2
        ElseIf n_atPts = 2 Then
            m_atPoints(0) = Point
            ReDim Preserve m_atPoints(UBound(m_atPoints) + 1)
            ShowPrompt "指定后续标注位置"
            n_atPts = 3
            m_atPoints(UBound(m_atPoints)) = Point
            ReDim Preserve m_atPoints(UBound(m_atPoints) + 1)
            Call IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Dynamics(Point, View, msdDrawingModeNormal)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Dynamics(Point As Point3d, ByVal View As View, ByVal DrawMode As MsdDrawingMode)
        Dim eleCell As CellElement
        Set eleCell = MyEleCell(Point)
        eleCell.Redraw DrawMode
        'If DrawMode = msdDrawingModeNormal Then
            'ActiveModelReference.AddElement eleCell
        'End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Keyin(ByVal Keyin As String)
    End Sub
    Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Reset()
        Dim eleCell As CellElement
        Set eleCell = MyEleCell(CommandState.LastDataPoint)
        ActiveModelReference.AddElement eleCell
    End Sub
    Private Sub IPrimitiveCommandEvents_Start()
        ReDim m_atPoints(0)
    End Sub
    Private Function MyEleCell(Point As Point3d) As CellElement
    Dim txtStr(0 To 1) As String
        Dim txtPts(0 To 1) As Point3d
        Dim LinePts As Point3d
        Dim txtLen As Double, txtLineSpacing As Double, JD As Double, txtHeight As Double, n As Double, m As Double, NumP As Long 'NumP是后续标注点个数
        Dim ele() As Element
        Dim eleCell As CellElement
        m_atPoints(UBound(m_atPoints)) = Point '用户指定的最后一个点
        NumP = UBound(m_atPoints) '点的个数减一
        ReDim Preserve Lipoints(NumP + 2)
        ReDim Preserve ele(NumP + 5)
        txtStr(0) = frmDuoYX.TextBoxXS.Value '上标文字
        txtStr(1) = frmDuoYX.TextBoxXX.Value '下标文字
        n = 0 '给出标注线长度
        For i = 1 To Len(txtStr(0))
            m = Asc(Mid(txtStr(0), i, 1))
            If m > 47 And m < 122 Then
                n = n + 1
            End If
        Next i
        JD = Val(frmDuoYX.TextBoxJD.Value) * Pi / 180 '倾斜角度
        txtLen = Len(txtStr(0)) - 0.43 * n
        MyTextStyle = frmDuoYX.ComboBoxString.Value
        txtLineSpacing = txtLen * ActiveDesignFile.TextStyles(MyTextStyle).Height
        txtHeight = ActiveDesignFile.TextStyles(MyTextStyle).Height * IIf(n > 0, 1, 1.1) * 0.45
        Lipoints(0) = SecPt
        For p = 1 To NumP
            Lipoints(p).X = m_atPoints(p).X + SecPt.X - StartPt.X
            Lipoints(p).Y = SecPt.Y
            Set ele(p + 3) = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, m_atPoints(p), Lipoints(p))
        Next p
            LinePts.X = Lipoints(NumP).X + IIf(m_atPoints(0).X > m_atPoints(1).X, -Cos(JD) * txtLineSpacing, Cos(JD) * txtLineSpacing)
            LinePts.Y = Lipoints(NumP).Y + IIf(m_atPoints(0).X > m_atPoints(1).X, -Sin(JD) * txtLineSpacing, Sin(JD) * txtLineSpacing)
            txtPts(0).X = Lipoints(NumP).X - txtHeight * Sin(JD) * txtHeight
            txtPts(0).Y = Lipoints(NumP).Y + txtHeight * Cos(JD) * txtHeight
            txtPts(1).X = Lipoints(NumP).X + txtHeight * Sin(JD) * txtHeight
            txtPts(1).Y = Lipoints(NumP).Y - txtHeight * Cos(JD) * txtHeight
            Set ele(0) = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, StartPt, SecPt)
            Set ele(1) = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, SecPt, LinePts)
            Set ele(2) = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, txtStr(0), txtPts(0), Matrix3dIdentity)
            Set ele(2).AsTextElement.TextStyle = ActiveDesignFile.TextStyles(MyTextStyle)
            ele(2).AsTextElement.TextStyle.Justification = IIf(m_atPoints(0).X > m_atPoints(1).X, msdTextJustificationRightCenter, msdTextJustificationLeftCenter)
            ele(2).AsTextElement.RotateAboutZ txtPts(0), JD
            Set ele(3) = CreateTextElement1(Nothing, txtStr(1), txtPts(1), Matrix3dIdentity)
            Set ele(3).AsTextElement.TextStyle = ActiveDesignFile.TextStyles(MyTextStyle)
            ele(3).AsTextElement.TextStyle.Justification = IIf(m_atPoints(0).X > m_atPoints(1).X, msdTextJustificationRightCenter, msdTextJustificationLeftCenter)
            ele(3).AsTextElement.RotateAboutZ txtPts(1), JD
           Set MyEleCell = CreateCellElement1(vbNullString, ele, m_atPoints(NumP), False)
    End Function

    Answer Verified By: 熊浩然 

  • 厉害,厉害,我按照您的代码修改了我的代码,确实是我要的结果。本来还挺抱歉的,因为问题描述的并不清楚,但想不到您确实理解了我的真实意图。而且,看您的代码也确实学到了不少东西。按照《学习MVBA》书里讲的,Dynamic事件要优化,这次终于是看到一个优化的例子。

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