【C# MSCE】 方接圆



  • 我写了个函数简单演示了一下如何创建需要的基本体,您可以参考一下:

            public static void CreateRectToCirc(double rectA, double rectB, double length, double circRadi)
                double uorPerMe = Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel().GetModelInfo().UorPerMeter;
                DgnBoxDetail dgnBoxDeta = new DgnBoxDetail(new DPoint3d(circRadi * uorPerMe, 0, 0), new DPoint3d(-rectA/2*uorPerMe, -rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe),
                    DVector3d.UnitX, DVector3d.UnitY, 0, 0, rectA * uorPerMe, rectB * uorPerMe, true);
                SolidPrimitive solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnBox(dgnBoxDeta);
                Element eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);
                dgnBoxDeta = new DgnBoxDetail(new DPoint3d(-circRadi * uorPerMe, 0, 0), new DPoint3d(-rectA / 2 * uorPerMe, -rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe),
                    DVector3d.UnitX, DVector3d.UnitY, 0, 0, rectA * uorPerMe, rectB * uorPerMe, true);
                solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnBox(dgnBoxDeta);
                eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);
                dgnBoxDeta = new DgnBoxDetail(new DPoint3d(0, circRadi * uorPerMe,0), new DPoint3d(-rectA / 2 * uorPerMe, -rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe),
                    DVector3d.UnitX, DVector3d.UnitY, 0, 0, rectA * uorPerMe, rectB * uorPerMe, true);
                solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnBox(dgnBoxDeta);
                eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);
                dgnBoxDeta = new DgnBoxDetail(new DPoint3d(0, -circRadi * uorPerMe, 0), new DPoint3d(-rectA / 2 * uorPerMe, -rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe),
                    DVector3d.UnitX, DVector3d.UnitY, 0, 0, rectA * uorPerMe, rectB * uorPerMe, true);
                solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnBox(dgnBoxDeta);
                eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);
                DgnConeDetail dgnConeDeta = new DgnConeDetail(DPoint3d.Zero, new DPoint3d(-rectA / 2 * uorPerMe, -rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe), DVector3d.UnitX,
                    DVector3d.UnitY, circRadi * uorPerMe, 0, true);
                solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnCone(dgnConeDeta);
                eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);
                dgnConeDeta = new DgnConeDetail(DPoint3d.Zero, new DPoint3d(rectA / 2 * uorPerMe, rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe), DVector3d.UnitX,
                    DVector3d.UnitY, circRadi * uorPerMe, 0, true);
                solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnCone(dgnConeDeta);
                eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);
                dgnConeDeta = new DgnConeDetail(DPoint3d.Zero, new DPoint3d(-rectA / 2 * uorPerMe, rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe), DVector3d.UnitX,
                    DVector3d.UnitY, circRadi * uorPerMe, 0, true);
                solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnCone(dgnConeDeta);
                eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);
                dgnConeDeta = new DgnConeDetail(DPoint3d.Zero, new DPoint3d(rectA / 2 * uorPerMe, -rectB / 2 * uorPerMe, length * uorPerMe), DVector3d.UnitX,
                    DVector3d.UnitY, circRadi * uorPerMe, 0, true);
                solidPri = SolidPrimitive.CreateDgnCone(dgnConeDeta);
                eleSolid = DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), solidPri, null);

    Answer Verified By: Dongyu Zhao 

  • 5340.dgn

    我用老师的代码生成了一个圆接方, 然后手动画了个包围着这个圆接方的立方体,依然不能剪切

    报错显示:“The Feature: "Difference #3" cannot be created with current settings and geometry.”。这是为什么呢

  • 剪切干什么?画出来的基本体您做个union不就是您想要的目标模型了嘛

  • 我的最终目标模型是褐色和灰色的那个元素,是通过立方体剪切一个方接圆得到的。

  • 先将所有的基本体union成一个整体再去做剪切。

    Answer Verified By: Dongyu Zhao 

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