


  • 点击一下“更新数据库”命令查看是否正常,然后尝试重启软件或计算机,如果仍然无效,请将电缆清册和xml文件上传,我们会进行进一步测试。

  • 数据库没有问题,也点过更新数据库没有异常,之前也多次使用过。



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        substr(<variable for result>, <absolute/relative start position>)
        substr(<variable for result>, <absolute/relative start position>, absolute/relative end position/additional substring length)
            absolute position: 0, 5,...
            relative position: 1x'.'+1 = first occurance of '.' plus one char
                               2x' - '+3 = second occurance of ' - ' plus three chars
                               r1x'-'-1 = first '-' backwards (last '-') minus one char
            additional substring length: +0 = no additional length = just the char at the start position
                                         +3 = start position plus three chars = length 4
            sbustr with only two parameters retrieves substring from start position until and including last character
            format_xtr (extraction format): sbustring or absolute value
            format_pub (publish format)   : [prefix]($<result variable of format_xtr>)[suffix]
            mandatory: <1||yes||true||on> || <0||no||false||off>
    <XLImportSheet version="0.1" created_by="oh" company="HASOFT">
        <Sheet number="1" name="" line_start="2" line_stop="500" col_start="A" col_end="Z" />
      <condition name="voltage_level" xl_col="F" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)">
        <variable name="tree_id" condition_value="LV" value="0001" />
        <variable name="tree_id" condition_value="MV" value="0002" />
        <variable name="tree_id" condition_value="CTRL" value="0003" />
        <variable name="tree_id" condition_value="IW" value="0004" />
      <Values name="2level">
        <condition name="voltage_level">
          <condition_value value="LV" />
          <condition_value value="MV" />
          <condition_value value="CTRL" />
          <condition_value value="IW" />
        <Value xl_col="A" tree="1" h_level="1" tag="Name" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="A" tree="1" h_level="1" tag="CablePref" mandatory="0" format_xtr="NOP" format_pub="($0,Name)" />
        <Value xl_col="A" tree="1" h_level="2" tag="Name" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="A" tree="1" h_level="2" tag="CablePref" mandatory="0" format_xtr="NOP" format_pub="($0,Name)" />
        <Value xl_col="E" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="Name" mandatory="0" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="F" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="RoutingFilter" mandatory="0" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="G" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="CableType" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="A" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="PreDefSourceID" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="B" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="ObjectFromLoc" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="C" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="PreDefTargetID" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="D" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="ObjectToLoc" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="H" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="CableLookup" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="I" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="Load" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="J" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="CableAddLength1" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="K" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="CableAddLength2" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
        <Value xl_col="L" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="SpareCore" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)" />
            <Value xl_col="F" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="CableDescr" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)"/>
            <Value xl_col="H" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="CableLookup" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)"/>
            <Value xl_col="I" tree="2" h_level="3" tag="Load" mandatory="1" format_xtr="X" format_pub="($X)"/>
    cable list.xls

  • 我这边测试导入正常,请参考这个帖子重置软件用户设置一下:

    Answer Verified By: Zhong Ling 钟凌 

  • 您好,按照操作我分别初始化了V8I和CE版本的BRCM,其中CE版本的问题得到了解决


  • 之前也有遇到过这样的情况,一般可以通过重新安装软件解决,或者更新到CE版本,新的版本的出问题的概率要小得多;


    在删除软件并关闭所有国产杀毒软件后, 重新安装软件。

    (如果觉得我们的回答对您有所帮助,请在更多中帮我们点击verify answer~)

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