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   在 hammer中的节流控制阀和流量控制阀在作用原理上有什么区别?

  • In English:

    For the Flow Control Valve (FCV), the valve will automatically change its headloss in the initial conditions (steady state), to meet the target flow. This results in a specific flow and headloss pair that HAMMER uses during the transient simulation to model headloss through the valve. The FCV will not change position automatically during the transient simulation because it assumes that the transient event will be too fast compared to how fast the FCV modulation will react. For the transient simulation, you can have the FCV close or open based on a pattern "operating rule". This valve is appropriate for cases where you have a valve that automatically throttles to restrict flow to a desired target, so that you can establish that flow and headloss during the initial conditions.

    For the Throttle Control Valve (TCV), the headloss through the valve is entered manually for the initial conditions, and the user has several different options for how to define the valve characteristics. For example headloss coefficient (K), discharge coefficient (Cv), percent closed, etc. Similar to the FCV, you can then enter a pattern of open/closure over time during the transient simulation (operating rule). This valve is appropriate for cases where you want to model a valve that opens or closes during the transient simulation, and need to be specific and detailed about the valve's coefficient, valve type, valve characteristics, closure pattern, etc.

    See more here: Modeling Reference - Valve Closure




    在这里查看更多:Modeling Reference - Valve Closure


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.